Friday, April 29, 1938

Worked garden, cut lawn etc. Harry Wittenauer is plowing, getting ready to plant corn here. Pap went to Waterloo with 19 bu. wheat @ 67 [cents] top price 75 [cents] Eggs 16 [cents]. Pap went to H. Wittenauer’s got 3 pigs $14.00. School pinic [sic] at Blackburn’s today, last day school this year. A lady here selling garments. Seen in Waterloo paper that Geo. Haudrich bought the farm right west of town from Mathilda Lippert & husband of Belleville; Armin Geodelle is now living there. Mr. & Mrs. Jermome AuBuchon of Muryphsboro [sic – Murphysboro] have a baby boy, paper reads; Red Bud.

Tuesday, June 8, 1937

Washed ironed. Pap painted. The ford agent of Waterloo was here with 1935 Ford coach $450.00. Werner Kammler was around gathering rubbish around town. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up again this afternoon, had horse worked his corn patch; canned pt. cherries. A lady here selling books. Burkhardt was here looked at the horse. Canned 2 qts. beets.

Sunday, March 22, 1936

Pap & Berti went to mass. Rose didn’t go out with mumps. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner & supper here, we had beef & she bought some shoulder meat yet, Boy! mashed potatoes & saurkraut [sic]. We got a little horse colt this morning, it was peppy & all at once took sick. Pap went over to Ed. Meng’s, & he came over, gave it castor oil & syringe it, now it is pretty good. Aunt Mary & Berti went to church this afternoon. Henry & family came this evening. There is closing of the Forty Hour Devotion at Waterloo tonite. There was a lady here selling book for 10¢, for prosperity, some kind of bibles.

Saturday, Oct. 5, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here, him & papa went to Waterloo on business; got Bert shoes fixed; had dinner here. Bernice got ½ doz. eggs. & 24¢ doz. A lady here wanted to sell extracts, 3 bottles & bowl for $1. There is a prize dance at Oak Grove to nite. Adm. 10¢. Cowell Orch. playing.

Wednesday, May 23, 1934

Mr. Cleveland, worked here all day, had lunch, dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came awhile, he took load wheat to Red Bud again. A girl here selling house remedies. A man around from Freeburg selling straw berries & pinapples [sic], we took 10¢ box got straw berries, & Oh! Boy were they good. Rosalia went quilting by Lester Gregson’s, fire Co. donated quilt, was given by Cora Armstutz, quilted by Gregson’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for church. Rosalia had supper at the quilting, 10 quilters, improved 9 patch. Cleveland stayed for supper. Pap paid Cleveland labor $8.75, 35 hrs. @ 25¢; papa will finish the rest of it.

Wednesday, November 1, 1933

We went to 6 o clock mass. Went out to Uncle Freds, had dinner supper, beef roast, played pinochle 5 hand this afternoon. Lady selling vanilla.

Saturday, June 24, 1933

Papa got crushing done this morn. Osie Neff was telling him that Bruns are all sick but one, got tyhoid [sic – thyphoid] fever. Roy Gregson of Red Bud had his machine stolen. George Schilling is going to start in threshing Mon, if it don’t rain. There is a big street dance in Chester, Ill. tonite. Miss Frances Schilling is taking her habit today & in two years [words crossed out]; Odillo Eichenseer has to take Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schilling there going to leave today. Misses Martha Schilling & Helen Kectriz left yesterday also for Indiana to take in the performance. Fr. Aydt, is going today to, to be there for tomorrow, & then go to the Worlds Fair; George Wagner & family came over this evening. A lady got 5 doz. eggs 8½¢ & selling fruit jars & bonnets.

Friday, April 7, 1933

We cooked a kettle of soap again. eggs 9¢. We cut lawn, put out a sign for sale, eggs & hens. A lady around selling extracts again today, we didn’t buy anything. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, her, Rose & Bert went to church. Hy. Wedel Jr. guessed the closest to how many chevs where sold in 1932; the right number sold was 322,860 & he guessed 223,454 just 594 out of the way. They beat was Dr. Werth & H. B. Church. Wedel could either $50.59 radio huts [unclear – ed. note], or $50.00 to a purchase of a New Chev. Hecker had bus here this morning at 7,0 clock.

Tuesday, March 28, 1933

Papa & Rosalia went to Belleville, took roosters got 6¢ & eggs 9¢; brought Uncle Freds victrola & 42 records along, for a pitcher & bowl. We cleaned the front room, dyed the curtains. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, from here they went to Waterloo to Dr. Pautler & got her ears blowed out. We went out to there place & took the victrola out. It is a most beautiful day. Mrs. George Wagner & the kids came over to see our little chicks; she got 3 moles. There was a lady here from Red Bud, Milly Brown selling hosiery; for men, women & children.

Thursday, Feb. 23, 1933

Bertille mailed a letter this morning. It is sure a nice day. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, they had intended to go in the woods, but Emil needed help in the afternoon to saw wood so papa helped him they had dinner at Henry’s. Eggs are 11¢ today. There was a lady around selling washing powder & soap for 75¢. Leona & Rosa baked lot cakes, expecting, Don Geodelle & George’s family, Jake Friedrich’s & Mon & pap, to come this evening.