Sunday, July 23, 1939

Went to mass. Raining heavy this morn. till about 8 : o clock. Bill [Klein] came, & we went along to, met Leo’s on way he took his car left it stand by Jake’s, we all went to St. Louis to Forest Park & Highlands, also called on Mr & Mrs Geo. & Gusta. Ducen, they are back from their honeymoon trip from World’s Fair. Val & family were gone out to Pinic [sic]. we didn’t see them. came back went to Leo’s, had supper there. We had dinner along we ate before we went around zoo.

Tuesday, Sept. 12, 1933

We washed. Mr. & Mrs. Ted Eichenseer & Mamie went to visit relatives at Indiana & went to Worlds Fair at Chicago left Sat. morn. Juluis Rausch called & got the package what Horn had sent here. It rained this afternoon & evening, it was nice. Grover Cleveland birthday.

Thursday, Aug. 24, 1933

Papa & Bertille finished the potatoe [sic] patch. John Griffins & Noel Roscow went to attend World’s Fair this week, Stella Roscow attended last week; she surely enjoyed it. There are quite a few people very sick, Chris Buehler, Million Wagner, Arthur Barthel all have summer flu, or thphoid [sic – typhoid] fever. There were 2 men here again, talking about the brewery at Red Bud, where is to be built soon. It is awful warm again.

Friday, Aug. 18, 1933

Mr. Eichenseer is 65 yrs. old today, the family where going to have Valley of the Moon, over the radio for him. Rosalia & Bert went out to Henry’s cleaned, & baked, washed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here got papa & him & Uncle Fred went in & Aunt Mary stayed by Henry’s. Mr. Walter Coap, Paul & Clem Parker, Oliver Pours left yesterday by car for the World’s Fair. Rusell Gregson & his family went to.

Friday, July 21, 1933

Seen in the paper quite a few people from Waterloo attended the World’s Fair; at Chicago the past week. Mrs. Wm. Scheider got her divorce last Mon, he has to paid $75 alimony. Mr. Frank Finnerty is going to have a sale July 29, also Julius Stensel, Aug. 19. Ralph Collier had the Whiteside property for sale, just the place, Papenberg live there.

Saturday, June 24, 1933

Papa got crushing done this morn. Osie Neff was telling him that Bruns are all sick but one, got tyhoid [sic – thyphoid] fever. Roy Gregson of Red Bud had his machine stolen. George Schilling is going to start in threshing Mon, if it don’t rain. There is a big street dance in Chester, Ill. tonite. Miss Frances Schilling is taking her habit today & in two years [words crossed out]; Odillo Eichenseer has to take Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schilling there going to leave today. Misses Martha Schilling & Helen Kectriz left yesterday also for Indiana to take in the performance. Fr. Aydt, is going today to, to be there for tomorrow, & then go to the Worlds Fair; George Wagner & family came over this evening. A lady got 5 doz. eggs 8½¢ & selling fruit jars & bonnets.