Sunday, July 23, 1939

Went to mass. Raining heavy this morn. till about 8 : o clock. Bill [Klein] came, & we went along to, met Leo’s on way he took his car left it stand by Jake’s, we all went to St. Louis to Forest Park & Highlands, also called on Mr & Mrs Geo. & Gusta. Ducen, they are back from their honeymoon trip from World’s Fair. Val & family were gone out to Pinic [sic]. we didn’t see them. came back went to Leo’s, had supper there. We had dinner along we ate before we went around zoo.

Wednesday, June 13, 1934

There are several farmers cutting wheat in the vicinity at present. A man here to sell kerosene refrigerator’s; from Belleville. George Schilling was here & settled the lumber sawing, papa paid him $45.40 & Jonny Reheis note $10.75, for 6,421 ft. lumber @ 90¢ & 100 ft. Christ & Ivo Buehler stopped in on there way out to the farm, he is going to cut out wheat here this afternoon, bought second hand binder from Eichenseer; now it don’t work, so he won’t cut till tomorrow. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, up awhile, she made a bonnet for me. We went out to Henry’s stopped in awhile, they went to Waterloo, to see Metzger & Nobbe to trade for a new binder; we went to Donahues, but there was no dance, there then went to Waterloo, & papa talked with the implement dealers, also; Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Heberer on there way to Colorado, on a honeymoon trip were met with an accident, & were taken to a hospital in St. Louis. Eggs are 11¢, hogs up to $4.90 that is top price.