Went to mass. Raining heavy this morn. till about 8 : o clock. Bill [Klein] came, & we went along to, met Leo’s on way he took his car left it stand by Jake’s, we all went to St. Louis to Forest Park & Highlands, also called on Mr & Mrs Geo. & Gusta. Ducen, they are back from their honeymoon trip from World’s Fair. Val & family were gone out to Pinic [sic]. we didn’t see them. came back went to Leo’s, had supper there. We had dinner along we ate before we went around zoo.
Saturday, Sept. 15, 1934
Papa went up to Wm. Fritsche to get some repairs done for the grass mower. There were 3 people from St. Louis Walsh’s & Mr. Ducan [? – illegible] the latter fixing a truck at the home of J. Kraft near Waterloo, they skidded hit a passing truck, & were all three killed, Mrs. Walsh was a Kraft. Raining again this morning & colder. Alice & Lucille are visiting at Mrs. Staufenbiel’s now, then they want to go to Joe Gregson’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went out to Al. Cleveland’s to a party; had a most wonderful time, Oh! Boy, old time & modern musci [sic], furnished by Miss Miles & her band, & Uncle Fred; Papenberg & Parker; beer & cake were served, to people from far & near.
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