Friday, June 19, 1936

Pap & Rose went out to Henry’s before 5 ‘o clock; had lunch & dinner & finished cutting oats now; at noon, got Emil down & he helped put the binder in the shed; has about 2 hrs. shocking to do yet. Ralph Rausch came & pd. the balance $5. on ball ground there dance was fairly well attended Sun. nite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came we went to Chester to see Gertie Irose; she sure looks natural & good, she has been in bed for 5 mons; & was terrible sick the last 10 days. Hubert said, had a cancer; she was at the home of Schroeder Ambulance & Undertaker, they are remodeling the parlor at present time; When we got to Chester, the shift gears wouldn’t work on our car, got it repaired at Chester Cowell’s garage. Walter Gregson were down, & McDermott, Doyl’s May’s. The crops don’t look so good down there. Leo Orlet of Paderborn, stopped in while in town this evening.

Monday, June 3, 1935

We washed, ironed; nice day. Frank Buehler & guy from Ava, came looked at the binder, & he bought it $25.00 Papa paid Buehler $8.00 he hauled it home to Ava for him; got it at noon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, cut a dress for Rose, skirt & waist seperate [sic] a white one; had lunch here; planted out sweet potatoe [sic] plants, picked cherries. Roy Cortner boys & Pierre Klotz had a accident last nite, Klotz car not impaired, fender were torn of; they say. Eggs 19¢ today, going down again.

Thursday, April 4, 1935

Papa went out to Levi Ganley’s, & stopped at Henry’s; he came up & plowed the orchard, & potato ground; had dinner & lunch here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up again this afternoon, worked up here, Rose cut her striped dress & sew some this afternoon. We got 50 cabbage plants from Manier’s set them out this evening, surely are nice. Mr. Allan Mudd & his mother & Mrs. Phil Purtle of Red Bud stopped in & solcited [sic] for euchre prize, & selling chances on a hooked rug; we took one. Henry took load hay along home. Uncle Adam & Emil came awhile about 1 hr; paid for there oats 6½ bus. & 60¢..Mr. Herman Straub & wife of near Burksville, on Bozzoy place came & looked at the binder. The old officers of Road Dis. 3 were reelected; difference of 8 votes, Melching & Hoffmann, & Vogt & Wirth. John Heiken received it by 25 votes, in Reheis etc District through there.

Friday, Sept. 7, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, had dinner here. He helped papa get the binder home from Fleckistein’s. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Wagner moved to Hecker, to Rausch place, Hy is going to live in Kammler’s summer kitchen; then. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Red Bud, bought a few things & got tickets. Armin Mier 22 of Prairie Du Long & Frieda Underwood of Freeburg 19, licensed was in the paper this evening. Aaron Papbenger’s dance the other night, he got $7.53; the orchestra took $7.50 – so he had 3¢ left; he had posters printed to; that is what they say. Ha!

Friday, June 15, 1934

Papa hauled load posts home, he & Rosalia went out to Henry’s this afternoon, had lunch, there. They didn’t get started cutting till 3 o’clock, till they had the new binder set up works fine. papa helped shock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening; they got a letter today from postmaster Loehr of Waterloo, to come to Waterloo tomorrow afternoon, that Wm. & John Hempe, received the paper from the government, & will pay up everything. Mr. Loehr came out this evening to talk things over; the bonds aren’t in yet, come in a few day’s. Mr. Louis Dehn, was here for eggs, we only had a few; he is going to buy dewberries from Gus Blackburn 75¢ bucket.

Thursday, June 14, 1934

Papa & Bertille went out to Henry’s, Nobbe came out & they made a trade, the old binder & the mare, & $150 cash, getting the old binder, tonite, bring the new one 9, o’clock tomorrow, Christ Buehler & kids are here, going to cut wheat, made ½ around, broke double tree; they had dinner here; We all went out shocked our wheat. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, he helped shock there awhile. We went out to Uncle Freds this evening, took his plow out. Mrs. Bill Fritsche, stopped the saloon keepers from giving Bill, whiskey. that is the third time now. Ed Schilling wedding anniversary 1 yr.

Wednesday, June 13, 1934

There are several farmers cutting wheat in the vicinity at present. A man here to sell kerosene refrigerator’s; from Belleville. George Schilling was here & settled the lumber sawing, papa paid him $45.40 & Jonny Reheis note $10.75, for 6,421 ft. lumber @ 90¢ & 100 ft. Christ & Ivo Buehler stopped in on there way out to the farm, he is going to cut out wheat here this afternoon, bought second hand binder from Eichenseer; now it don’t work, so he won’t cut till tomorrow. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, up awhile, she made a bonnet for me. We went out to Henry’s stopped in awhile, they went to Waterloo, to see Metzger & Nobbe to trade for a new binder; we went to Donahues, but there was no dance, there then went to Waterloo, & papa talked with the implement dealers, also; Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Heberer on there way to Colorado, on a honeymoon trip were met with an accident, & were taken to a hospital in St. Louis. Eggs are 11¢, hogs up to $4.90 that is top price.

Friday, April 21, 1933

Jonny Krehre’s [sic- Kreher] had a dance last night, celebrating Authur [sic] Schaefer’s birthday which was yesterday & Mrs. John Krehers last Mon; we have no invititation [sic]. Mr. George Boll & Karl where here got a fat hog, to butcher today; it weighed 242 lbs. & $3.50, $8.45 all cash. Papa went to Red Bud & bought lumber for corn crib, & coal 4 bus. 2@17½¢. & dried skim milk. Rosalia & Bert went out to Henry’s got some oats & helped in the garden. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Goessling of Waterloo have a little baby girl, they just have a pair. Omer Schilling has a birthday dance advertised, for Apr. 29 Sat. at Oak Grove. There was a diregible [sic] flew over this morning right low. The other day there was an airplane landed near Valeymeyer [sic] on Schaefer’s farm, & burned up. completely, 4 persons all from Arksasas [sic – Arkansas], the remains where taken to Wagner & Herman funerl [sic] home. Miss Alberta Heyl, Albert’s daughter is switch board operator in Waterloo now, taking the place of Miss Marie Gentsh who is taking the place of Ruth Olendorph, who recently on Easter Sun. got married to Morris Binder also working at the switch board. A Sign was put up in West end Hecker today saying “Road Closed.” It rained all night.

Thursday, June 16, 1932

Henry was here for lunch, dinner & lunch, supper, he finished cutting wheat up here & took the binder along. Leona & the kids brought him up & they went home again this morn, she canned 31 qt. berries. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up awhile this evening. Fr. Grootens has a dance in the hall tonight. Papa built a little hog house, & they moved it with the horses, back to the straw shed. eggs are 9¢ today.

Saturday, June 27, 1931

Henry & Emil had lunch, dinner, lunch here.  Hy. Armstutz was also here for dinner he helped to schock some today.  Henry cut his oats for him too, & he smashed the binder all to pieces, he says he won’t be able to cut his at home anymore with it.  He is finished up here now.  Karl Boll & Marcella Ettling are being married & gave a dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry & Leona all went, but we didn’t.  Bill Herzog furnished the musci [sic], they say it sure was some bum wedding dance, not many people, all was outside.  She was dressed with a white dress & hat, shoes & pale pink stockings.  Buddy & a girl from St. Louis where the attendants.  We all went over to Rennecker’s this evening, Jake Klein’s family where also there, celebrating Steve’s birthday.  He got a 1 gal. ice cream & Oh Boy was it good in hot weather?