Friday, Dec. 3, 1937

Raining all day & nite. Cleaned chicken house. Baked cookies. Pap went up town got papers; seen in there that Ed. Brand had wrote a letter to U. Heyl’s, telling them that last Fri. nite, fire destroyed the United paper Stock Co. were he works, but are going to rebuilt again; was quite a big loss. The plans for the new school building in Waterloo is now ready to go to work will cost building & lots & all $150,000. Farm Adv. Hughes to going to leave Waterloo & taken position in Cook CO; by the first of year; Clarence Olendorph had there baby christened last Sun. Charles William – sponsors Mr. & Mrs. William Minnemean. There will be an India Missionary coming to Evangical [sic] church, will speak & also show pictures. Literary Meeting at School house tonite; speaking old age pension. Mr. Ulrich of Smithton formerly the banker was stricken with apolexcy [sic] taken to hospital were there he died.

Friday, Oct. 19, 1934

We went to Waterloo this afternoon paid for Waterloo paper, Olendorph’s Meat Market with every purchase you buy, get a ticket on a free Turkey to be raffled every Sat. till Thanksgiving; starting Oct. 27, next Sat.. Fred Deul of Waterloo has lost his job at the creamery & is now employed in St. Louis Donell Milk Co.; if the job hold out, he will move his family to the city also. Rosalia fixed jumper for the boys.

Friday, April 20, 1934

Papa & Rose, strawing the rest of the potatoes. Went out to Henrys got load wheat to feed pigs; then got one took too Red Bud got 58¢. Went to Waterloo & got 57¢, & took another load to Red Bud 58¢. W. Luhr came to look at our chicks, sick; got some medicine to spray with, & tablets for drinking water. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, made little garden. Hy. Keorber was by them all day yesterday. They were at Belleville this morn. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Sunmer barber have a little baby girl is now 3 girls. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Olendorph had there boy christened last Sun. Jackie Otto. Mr. Lawrence Berkel of Smithon [sic] shot & killed himself last nite, he was a implement dealer; funeral Sun. his wife nee Siebert.

Friday, March 16, 1934

Papa hauled in hay. We went to the woods after dinner, finished up; got wheat & oats out at Henry’s; came home, made garden. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came had supper here, we went to church with her. Robert Laut paid his hog 439 lbs. $4.65. Billy Olendorph’s have a little baby boy, she is by Chas. Minneman’s, her parents. Went to Minnie got Aunt’s dress, finished 25¢.

Friday, April 21, 1933

Jonny Krehre’s [sic- Kreher] had a dance last night, celebrating Authur [sic] Schaefer’s birthday which was yesterday & Mrs. John Krehers last Mon; we have no invititation [sic]. Mr. George Boll & Karl where here got a fat hog, to butcher today; it weighed 242 lbs. & $3.50, $8.45 all cash. Papa went to Red Bud & bought lumber for corn crib, & coal 4 bus. 2@17½¢. & dried skim milk. Rosalia & Bert went out to Henry’s got some oats & helped in the garden. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Goessling of Waterloo have a little baby girl, they just have a pair. Omer Schilling has a birthday dance advertised, for Apr. 29 Sat. at Oak Grove. There was a diregible [sic] flew over this morning right low. The other day there was an airplane landed near Valeymeyer [sic] on Schaefer’s farm, & burned up. completely, 4 persons all from Arksasas [sic – Arkansas], the remains where taken to Wagner & Herman funerl [sic] home. Miss Alberta Heyl, Albert’s daughter is switch board operator in Waterloo now, taking the place of Miss Marie Gentsh who is taking the place of Ruth Olendorph, who recently on Easter Sun. got married to Morris Binder also working at the switch board. A Sign was put up in West end Hecker today saying “Road Closed.” It rained all night.

Friday, May 20, 1932

Papa went to see Roman Schwartz this morn, for trading. He went over to Ed. Mengs this afternoon, & tonite Meng came over here & they went down to see Quathammer, but couldn’t make no trade. Mrs. Rennecker came over this evening, till papa got back. I seen in the Waterloo paper that Emil C. Geoddelle bought the West End garage on the hard road from Clarence Olendorph.