Monday, March 22, 1937

Beautiful day, washed, ironed patched etc. Joe Klauss got hit by Dr. Qurin at the creamery this eve; called ambulance, he must be pretty bad; was knocked out, & bruised.

Wednesday, May 22, 1935

Finished the dresses. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, then went to Belleville, they brought us 5¢ – 2 gal. skim milk along from the creamery, to make cheese. Papa got hair cut. We cleaned hen house, & put the young spring roosters over & fed them up to sell. Clifford gave up his job by Waterloo, & came back to Meng’s again now. Eggs are 20½¢ at Mertz today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she went to church. It started in to rain again a little this evening & cloudy.

Saturday, Feb. 16, 1935

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here, went over to New Athens to Geiger’s to enter a quilt for show. Papa went to Red Bud to the coummity [sic] Sale at the creamery. Mr. Adam Helfrich 84 of Smithton died Thurs. morning, was found dead in the chicken yard, will be buried Mon. morning there, that is Chas. Helfrichs dad.

Friday, Oct. 19, 1934

We went to Waterloo this afternoon paid for Waterloo paper, Olendorph’s Meat Market with every purchase you buy, get a ticket on a free Turkey to be raffled every Sat. till Thanksgiving; starting Oct. 27, next Sat.. Fred Deul of Waterloo has lost his job at the creamery & is now employed in St. Louis Donell Milk Co.; if the job hold out, he will move his family to the city also. Rosalia fixed jumper for the boys.

Tuesday, July 12, 1932

We patched this morning. Henry was here, he got 2 barrels of whey at the creamery. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here, from threshing at Henry Birkner’s. It is awful hot this afternoon. Ed. Meng & Clif where here got the mule.

Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1930

Today is Gus Geodell’s birthday.  Papa went up to the creamery this morning to find out whether they had any cinders to spare.  Uncle Fred wanted some, but they didn’t have any, then Papa & Rosalia went up in the woods.  Joe Watchel is butchering a hog today.  Johnny Reheis is his butcher.  Lloyd Rausch was here at noon & wanted to sell us some Christmas stamps but we didn’t take any.  We all went out to Henry’s this evening to get the sleigh for a scalding binch [?].  After we left they went in to Waterloo, to Mr. Geodell’s birthday.  He is 49 years old.

Saturday, Nov. 29, 1930

Papa went to the creamery this morning & got a can ful of skimmed milk for the little pigs.  This afternoon he went uptown.  Gus Klotz had there little baby girl christened last Sun. at Renneckers, they called it Dorothy.  The coffee man was around again this afternoon, but we didn’t take any, so he said he wouldn’t come any more.  It has been raining all day & this evening too.  I seen in the Belleville paper this evening that Walter Schilling son of Francis Schilling of Paderborn died this morning at 2 o’clock, the funeral will be Sunday afternoon to the St. Michael Church in Paderborn.  It was the baby, 3 months old.

Thursday, May 22, 1930

Rosalia & Bertille washed, ironed, patched & baked cookies today.  Leona, Robert, Floyd were up this morning.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening.  They got a letter today from Henry Keorber to come to a basket picnic Sunday at Rittemeyer’s woods.  Tonight there is a Public dance at Nick Schaefers barn.  There was a man at our house this afternoon, by the name of Mr. Sparks.  He sell the Wayne Feed but Papa wasn’t at home.  He was out at Henry’s with a guy from Belleville that wanted to buy a mule or the mare.  But he didn’t buy neither one.  Uncle Fred and Papa went up to the creamery this evening to see if they could get some cinders.  But they couldn’t have none right now, but maybe later on.  Aunt Mary was saying Bertha Wolf could die anytime now.  She got operated on for appendicitis and now she is awful bad sick.  They phoned and left Mrs. Jatho at Hecker.  I have noticed Edgar Herzog from New Athens and Miss Luetta Fanke of Lenzburg have their marriage license in the paper today.  He is 19 years old and she is 18 years old.  They go out playing music together.  They play the accordions.