Friday, Nov. 24, 1939

Leo & family came making plans for building shed had dinner & supper here. Leo & pap went to Smithton. Leo bought new V8 Truck $500 & his old car, brought it along home. Henry brought load corn. Bert [Bertille] baked cookied. Mrs. Roland Nobbe – Mildred Wild died & was buried this week at Waterloo she had been sick for some time married just a year & Walter Nobbe fell on leaves on sidewalk at his home & fractured some bones, is confined to his home.

Saturday, May 13, 1939

Jansen & Nobbe brought the new grass mower out & papa went along took it to Leo’s. $96.80 in trade for his old one, brought that here, pap bought from Leo $21.80. Went to Belleville this afternoon, to church & shopping – pap got new hat, Bert [Bertille] got white shoes. Nice day rain last nite.

Saturday, April 8, 1939

Nice day. We went to Red Bud high mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, she went to church. Nobbe & Horn, came got mare for Farbers; this eve.

Tuesday, March 28, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed. Rained a little this eve. Radio says snow. Ziebold man was here trying to sell electric things. Nobbes man Johnson was here looked at horse; some fellows from Prairie Du Rocher looked at black team. We found 95 eggs. still 15 [cents] at Eichenseers. Cold to be 30 tonite.

Friday, July 15, 1938

Nice day. Henry & family came yesterday afternoon boys stayed here & Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, got new dress & things. Geo. Walzbacher’s only child girl Mary Elizabeth 4 yrs. old died at St. Marys Hospital brief illness says in paper. Mr. Joe Rieckert celebrated his 98th birthday on July 9. still hole & hearty, still pratices [sic] law yet. Walter Nobbe & Al Hoffmann were here, trying to trade cars again, now he offers $150. for chev. but we won’t trade yet with him, wait longer. Harry Wittenauer came going to thresh oats here by tomorrow.

Saturday, Jan. 15, 1938

Pap went in woods, came home for dinner, & went back again this afternoon. A fellow here this morn; wanted some thing to eat. Mrs. Aggie Ratz Doyle was operated for appendix last week at Belleville hospital; & Mrs. Wilbur Heyl was opperated [sic] for appendix also at St. Mary’s Hospital in E. St. Louis. There is a show at Waterloo put on by Nobbe’s, advertising John Deere; implements etc, starting at 9 this morn. serving dinner & movie pictures, etc. Adm. free tickets. Henry & family came this eve. we went along with them to Uncle F. [Fred]

Saturday, July 25, 1936

Pretty warm & windy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came him & papa went to Nobbe’s at Waterloo & got the new 1936 Chev. coupe, then went out to the sale, we also went took Aunt Mary along to Joe Schilling’s sale, had such a crowd & all bought a good price. Ed. Parker got the piano $25. C. Myerscough the radio $5. Uncle Fred & pap went to see Jac Erle, about Ins. on his new car; green all modern, very pretty car. Manier has a fish fry.

Friday, July 24, 1936

Pap & Rose took wheat to Waterloo got 99¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped went to Christ Buehler’s. Nobbe & Klein of Waterloo, they wanted to see Uncle’s car dad [Anton] went with them; the girls like it, they want to teach school. Miss Josie Keller & Ella Miller were out at Aunt Mary’s last nite, brought a pattern out.

Monday, July 20, 1936

We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & pap went to Waterloo, made a trade with Nobbe, his 1934 chev; & $195. for a 1936 Chev. coupe, will get it by next week; They had dinner, here chicken. Pap went out to help Henry plowing, he got stuck with the tractor this afternoon; from there he went to G. Schillings paid lumber sawing, $7.30 – 815 ft @ 90. Jac. Erle came, we paid him $19.60 Ins. now we are house insured in there co. not with Rapp anymore. Watchels & Lauts put there electric wires up again; today.

Friday, March 6, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up early; also came last nite, Rose went to church with her; Uncle & pap went out to Uncle Adam’s, he fell again today; while Aunt Mary was there, he carried a rocker out in the kitchen, & then was going for his rocker, & fell on the floor. Emil was at Joe Gregsons. Uncle Fred & pap helped Emil get him to bed that evening, Levi & Clara came here after church, to see how he was, but Emil had called for them to come, so they & Joe’s all went out yet, he couldn’t stand it in bed; pap stopped in this morn. went he went out to the woods, going to get the doctor, he thinks it is fractured hip, Josie was out all nite. Pinkel agent for Nobbe chev. Co. was here wanted to see pap trade cars. Ed. Parker & Fr. Simon came also to see pap, & he wasn’t home. A year ago today Margaret McDermott died. Mr. Ed Weber & Gus Stehfest have new cars the paper says. Rose & Aunt Mary went to church.