Friday, July 15, 1938

Nice day. Henry & family came yesterday afternoon boys stayed here & Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville, got new dress & things. Geo. Walzbacher’s only child girl Mary Elizabeth 4 yrs. old died at St. Marys Hospital brief illness says in paper. Mr. Joe Rieckert celebrated his 98th birthday on July 9. still hole & hearty, still pratices [sic] law yet. Walter Nobbe & Al Hoffmann were here, trying to trade cars again, now he offers $150. for chev. but we won’t trade yet with him, wait longer. Harry Wittenauer came going to thresh oats here by tomorrow.

Friday, July 17, 1936

Geo. Henkel & Lorberg brought the bull what pap bought from Henkel for $20. Joe Freund came, wanted to trade his mare for different horse or mule, to light for his horses. We cut in 13 qts kraut this morn. Seen in paper that Joe Rickert of St. Louis formerly of Tipton was found dead in bed last Wed. morn. from heat. also Mat Cleary formerly of Tipton died Tues from heat; Rickert funeral to be tomorrow morning, Mrs. Frances Kruse school teacher brother; buried at Waterloo. The rain soaked into our house so bad, on the plaster wall in living room, fell down a big strip came off. The Carnival at the Country Club starts today & till Sun. nite; 3 day’s. Eggs 19¢ wheat 99¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, had lunch here; he cut lawn etc.

Sunday, Aug. 11, 1935

Went to Red Bud mass, & Boy! was Fr. sored [sic – soured], caused of the pinic [sic], only cleared $100.00 our quilt brought $20.00, but he had to take 48. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped & went to the pinic [sic] for supper, at Manier Park, we went to in the evening; large crowd; music in the afternoon by Floraville brass band & Pals of Harmony for the dance. Adm. 25¢, we didn’t win a thing; the quilts were won by Adele Bocker, & Mrs. Ad. Spalt & one raffled with playing bluey, by Adolph Rittmeyer. The chickens were all [gone] before supper, Adm. 40¢. Ray Herzog & Dorothy Napier were married yesterday. Rickert of Freeburg & Lillian Armbruster were married about 2 weeks ago at Belleville Court House, they say.

Saturday, June 15, 1935

Papa went over to Meng’s a little to see the barn. We got the check for our chickens that we shipped, got 17¢ medium springs & broilers 15½¢. & heavy hens 16½¢. Mertz charged 65¢ for hauling. Papa & Rose went to Waterloo with a load wheat; got 73¢ bu; there was also a train wrecked, sale on Rickert lot; things sold so cheap, papa bought paint for $1.50 & 80¢ gal; vanilla 2 bottle $1. for 25¢ etc so much. Rose went to Hecker, paid Ted Eichenseer for house insurance $24.90; some cheaper than last year. Eggs 20¢. We went to Waterloo to Pautler’s, Paderborn baseball club gave a dance, Moonlighters playing.

Wednesday, Feb. 13, 1935

Jo Kellers birthday. Cloudy & raining. Mr. Ed Rickers farm census taker was here this afternoon; Mamie Eichenseer, came to have her hair curled, euchre tonite. Rose & Bertie went to the euchre of the B.V.M. Sodality of Hecker parish. Bertie had 8 points, got dresser scarf. Miss Viola Purtle of Red Bud won the pillow slip attendance prize; large crowd, tables filled. Miss Doris Breautigam, of Belleville & Traveberger where married at Carlye on Jan 30, kept secret; daughter of one [? – unclear] Clara Birkner.

Friday, Jan. 18, 1935

Mr. Kelley is being buried this morn., from the home of his daughter Mrs. Hess; he had a stroke. Mr. Hess is also in Red Bud Hospital, was operated on appendix; is pretty bad. Mrs. Getrude Irosi of Chester is getting operated for tumor at the Red Bud hospital this morning, Frank McDermott’s daughter. Johny McDermott is employed at Ill. Security’s Hospital at Chester. Roy Schmidt is sporting a new Ford V8 truck, the paper says. A. H. Breuggmann had a little baby girl; born St. Mary Hospital Thurs. evening Jan. 10. Mr. Ed. Rickert is census taker man in Prarire [sic] Du Long & New Design Precinct. The Waterloo CCC Camps will have all different classes; Nobbe’s Garage is giving free a place to study & work, auto Mechanics, Robinette giving musci [sic] lessons, Jerome Vogt teacher of agriculture & surveyoring. A man around advertising portraits; draw & if you win certain certificate, you can have a picture painted with the cost of $10. Berti drew the right one, but we had nothing done, sent him of, only some scheme work. A lady around selling home made chairs at 50¢ a piece. Rosie & Berti went to Red Bud got sack laying mash from Zipfel. Raining this evening, nasty. Aaron Papfenberg has purchase a car. Eggs are 26¢.

Sunday, Oct. 26, 1930

Today is shooting matches all over again, Ambrose Doyle, Philip Meuth, George Rickert.  Henry & family were all here for dinner today.  Little after dinner they went home.  In the evening Henry & Leona brought Bobby & Floyd here to stay with us all night, while they went to New Athens to play music.