Friday, Feb. 24, 1939

Beautiful day; not cold. Starting smoking our summer sausage today. Ivo Rapp came home from hospital today, but can’t walk around yet; he had operation on his leg, had piece still in it. Alma Klotz isn’t very good, so weak & backache.

Saturday, Feb. 18, 1939

Went to Waterloo, got feed etc; was going to Neubarth Sale, but that was 3 miles out on mud roads so we didn’t go. Ivo Rapp was taken to Red Bud hospital yesterday eve; got piece wood in his leg. Alma Klotz is taken treatments at Belleville hospital every day. Geo Wagner’s family came this eve we played cards, ladies lost but 1.

Saturday, Jan. 21, 1939

Pap went up to mass of Mary Grossheim funeral, pretty large, pallbearers were Gus Kabureck & son, Fred Neff, Con. Mueth, Jake Schaefer & Henry & one pap didn’t know. Frs. Orlet & Fr. Ratermann assisted Fr. Aydt; Mary wanted that way; Fr. Aydt made a very nice sermon, praised her. she was awful generous towards the parish, she bought & donated The Mother of Perpetual Help Statue. Josie Keller came out bout 11 o’clock had dinner here, called Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary to come up, played cards all afternoon & part of eve. All had supper here, she brought a cake out for A. [Aunt] Marys birthday celebrating it today. Hecker general telephone meeting brought a quite a few people to town this afternoon to elect officers & operator. Lizzie Boll received it again against Geo. Wagner 14 – Rapp 5. Lizzie got 23 votes.

Saturday, July 9, 1938

Pap went to Red Bud to the funeral of Mrs. Cowell 81 yrs. to be buried in Hecker cemetery. Mrs. Rapp’s mother. Bert [Bertille] canned 2 qt. peaches. Schriebers was here twice trying to trade cars, he would give $164. for Chev. on a new 1938, & we could keep Whip. We went to Millsdadt [sic – Millstadt] this afternoon.

Monday, July 20, 1936

We washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & pap went to Waterloo, made a trade with Nobbe, his 1934 chev; & $195. for a 1936 Chev. coupe, will get it by next week; They had dinner, here chicken. Pap went out to help Henry plowing, he got stuck with the tractor this afternoon; from there he went to G. Schillings paid lumber sawing, $7.30 – 815 ft @ 90. Jac. Erle came, we paid him $19.60 Ins. now we are house insured in there co. not with Rapp anymore. Watchels & Lauts put there electric wires up again; today.

Wednesday, May 27, 1936

We had the 1st spring leghorn for dinner, small yet, but was pretty good; nice meal. Jac. Erle & guy were here talking house Ins; wrote the paper out, we are going to join in there Ins. Co. instead of Rapp’s at Columbia, that’s house & property Insurance. It is so hot again today, still no rain. Radio said at 5:30 this morn. it 70°. Pap got his hair cut, & also paid Dr. Eckert, $7.50 – $6. for going to Belleville, $1.50 for coming here that morning; he wouldn’t had to went to Belleville at all never, even came to see him while he was at the hospital, but he’s paid. We went out to Uncle Fred’s had supper, brought Oscar’s kids along from school; they were walking by the cemetery, took them up. Went over to Geo. Wagner’s this eve. awhile. Joe Wacthels went to a new barn dance, on Freeburg oil road, about 2 miles from Douglas tonite.

Monday, Sept. 23, 1935

We washed, ironed, scrub basement, dye dress & Oh my. Papa went to Waterloo this morning, got chimney fixed for Henry, & this afternoon him & Rose went out to Henry’s, he is going to roll the ground, while Henry cuts corn, had lunch. It rained this morning, pretty nice shower; but not near enough, the sun crossed the equator, Equinox Days. Pap stopped at Emils & gave him his card from Clem; Uncle Adam got his foot hurt last Tues. they hauled ground in the chicken house the wagon ran over his foot, swollen quite a bit he can’t walk on it; never went to the doctor so far yet. The milk trucks, Wittenauer, Gregson & Brauns 2 trucks are hauling sand for Clarence Braun’s to built a new house on the corner by J. Brauns land; that is another getting married in the near future, she is taking instructions for religion at present, Stehl. Joe Griffins wife also took lessons; catholic religion. George Lorberg’s got there baby girl christened yesterday; Ivo Rapp & wife sponsors.

Thursday, Feb. 21, 1935

Papa went out to Henry’s, help Mr. Fournie of Ziebold’s place, got the oats, he got 64 bus @ 60¢.  Ivo Rapp was here & asked to for oats. Papa went to Mrs. Gambach &  bought her plow for Henry $2.50; it is in Wm. Gregson’s stable. Henry came furrowed the land. We went to Belleville this afternoon. This evening went out to Henry’s, played cards. Eggs are 22¢ here, we got 17¢ chickens at Belleville.

Saturday, Aug. 18, 1934

Henry is plowing. Seen in the Waterloo paper, Slyvester Miller & wife are going to move to St. Louis, gave up his job at the condensery. Rob. Schaefer has his place. Henry had dinner here, finished plowing & went home. Joe McCarthy bought himself a new ford U.S. truck to haul milk, Martin May & Hoffmann new chev’s. Ben Schilling has a new chev. Mr. & Mrs. Ivo Rapp have there wedding celebration & dinner & supper at Blackburn’s; Fr. Aydt had dinner there too.

Friday, Aug. 17, 1934

Baked bread & coffee cake. Henry & family came up he plowed. Rob. stayed up, had lunch, supper. Leona came back this eve. & brought the kids up, they stayed here with pap; we went along with them to the carnival at the Country Club, sure beautiful, free dance, musci [sic] by Dixie Blue Boys of Belleville. Mr. Ivo Rapp & Eunice Blackburn, were married at the priest’s house here this evening 5:30. Clem Parker & Ivonne Rapp, the attendants. Oh Boy! wedding on Fri. Al. Rittmeyer sales agent for brusches [sic] was here, left us a sample brush.