Wednesday, Oct. 26, 1938

Cleaned garden. Went to Leo’s this afternoon helped put up stove, then went to Smithton. There is a Democratic meeting at Kammlers Hall tonite; Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came up for the Halloween party in School Hall given by Young People of parish, he had to bring his accordion along & also Irene Buehler had to bring hers. There is also a euchre at Paderborn, all in one nite. Ray Braun is in St. Louis Hospital, had a rock in the pupil of his eye, is very dangerous operation, but they got it out but he can sees alright, only pupil isn’t round.

Sunday, June 19, 1938

We all had dinner here today. Mrs. Ralph Prediger, nee Ethel Parker was operated for appendix Mon. of last week. Elmer Probst & Lorretta Kraft married today; wedding dance tonite at Brezzy Hill. Arthur Cowell’s boy was married Fri; dance at Log Cabin. Clara Wagner & Mrs. Joe Watchel came to see the baby [Rosalia’s baby – Marita Orlet] this morn. Mr. Geo Haudrich & Elmer came Sat. got the mare $135, for Elmer.

Monday, May 2, 1938

Bert [Bertille] went to Leo’s, washed ironed etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, fixing screens. Mrs. Al. Geodelle is in Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, operated on head 2 hrs. for tumor; they say. We planted tomatoe & cabbage plants. Hy. Armstutz delivered Chickstarteven [? – unclear]; this eve. Eggs 17 [cents] going up now.

Saturday, Jan. 15, 1938

Pap went in woods, came home for dinner, & went back again this afternoon. A fellow here this morn; wanted some thing to eat. Mrs. Aggie Ratz Doyle was operated for appendix last week at Belleville hospital; & Mrs. Wilbur Heyl was opperated [sic] for appendix also at St. Mary’s Hospital in E. St. Louis. There is a show at Waterloo put on by Nobbe’s, advertising John Deere; implements etc, starting at 9 this morn. serving dinner & movie pictures, etc. Adm. free tickets. Henry & family came this eve. we went along with them to Uncle F. [Fred]

Thursday, May 6, 1937

Acenscion [sic] Holiday. Went to mass at 6 at Red Bud. Fr. Stern is very low received last sacrements [sic] Mon. Uncle Adam’s birthday 87 yrs. We went to Belleville, pap went to dentist, & we did shopping. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Leo & Rose were all in there also, & lot of people from all over. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came planted cabbage plants 50 across the street. Miss Mildred Gambach is at Belleville hospital operated on. Sly. Kabureck is again at home. Brauns from Eliza Ball’s house moved to W. Monike’s house last week. For one day at least it didn’t rain so far. Uncle Fred & A. Mary, Henry & family, & Leo & Rose were all here this evening.

Thursday, April 29, 1937

Cleaned dining room, awful warm. Olive Laut was here, wanted duck eggs. Chas. Helfrich got load hay this afternoon; $12.70. A fellow here selling fish; we didn’t take none. Sly. Kabureck is at Belleville Hospital operation appendix getting along well; took Mrs. Joe Kaiser in Mon. to be operated appendix.

Wednesday, May 6, 1936

Uncle Fred went home, about 5  – then came back again, we ate, then us three went in, Aunt stayed here baked bread. Pap got operated at 10 min to ten, took 50 min, was to himself though right away, but has some terrible pains. Dr. Frein operated, he said it would be alright, all cured. Fr. Shoemaker came to see him last nit. Rose stayed in all day & tonite. Uncle Fred went home to work after dinner; Dr. Frein had 3 operations this morning, while we were in there, he told us. Sure warm again today, had a heavy rain at Belleville yesterday. Uncle Adams 86 yr. birthday. Henry & family came this evening. A corset sales lady was here. Uncle Fred went home this afternoon.

Friday, Jan. 17, 1936

Hauptman, killer of Lindberg’s baby was to be put in electric chair today, but now has 30 more das [sic] radio said. Pap got load wood for basement. Cloudy today, east wind. pap got stuck going to the wood pile, & Jac Ganley pulled him put, he didn’t get no wood; he gave him 25¢. Mehrmann came got the eggs – 5 doz. 21¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came got there saussage [sic] & grease. Rose & Berti went to Waterloo, got Rose shoes fixed & went to Geodells to see Leona for hour; she is pretty good but can’t walk very good yet. Authur Mechler who worked in Jung’s store, is not employed at Philips gas station north R.3 highway. Vicint Heck have a baby boy, now has 4 children. Mrs Matt Stahlmann died of a Auto accident Christmas eve, was buried this week. Mrs Rob. Mertz is recovering slowly, was operated at St. Mary Hospital, some one gave pt. blood to her. Mr Geodelle is laid up with lumbago; Ray has swollen cheeks.

Wednesday, July 10, 1935

Papa repaired the lawn mower. Wheat is 77¢ at Red Bud. Mrs. Karl Boll is in the hospital in St. Louis, & was operated, getting along nicely. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came worked, across the street, had lunch here. Pierre Laut came, selling chances for fire men’s pinic [sic] on Aug 18. we took 1.

Wednesday, June 26, 1935

We painted another little girl. Had spring chicken dinner. It rained all night, this morning yet; can’t cut wheat for awhile now. There was a beautiful float went by, advertising an auction sale to be held at Belleville Sat. & one car to be given away free; the float was shaped like a boat; radio in it, sure was a dandy. Mr. Edgar Prediger oldest boy Cletus was operated for appendix at Belleville, & died yesterday, 7 days since operation, appendix was grown on to liver they say, Jos. Gregson’s neighbor. Rained most terrible this afternoon, just a cloud burst, there was so much water on the road here, splashed all over when the cars went through it; after the rain, kids were all lined up walking in the water in the gutters, also Mrs. Wagners. Papa went over to Rennecker a little while. Henry sends milk to Waterloo New Athens now, Helfrich hauling it, got a new chev. truck & hauls to Athens now. We cleaned basement.