Monday, Aug. 14, 1939

Washed, ironed; canned peaches, tomatoes. Wittenauers plowing & cutting hay today. Mauff was here. Jac Orlet stopped took 1 bu. peaches along. pap picked 4 bus. today. Hy Bruns came brought basket back. We went to Kleins this eve; pap looked at horse & heifers they have for sale.

Tuesday, March 28, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed. Rained a little this eve. Radio says snow. Ziebold man was here trying to sell electric things. Nobbes man Johnson was here looked at horse; some fellows from Prairie Du Rocher looked at black team. We found 95 eggs. still 15 [cents] at Eichenseers. Cold to be 30 tonite.

Monday, Dec. 2, 1935

We washed, ironed. Papa went out trading; went to Waterloo & got the Whip curtains. Berniece brought the mail. Henry brought a load corn & Toptsy up, pap bought the horse for $100.00. Leona is sick in bed again, chills & feaver. Rose stamped a pair pillow cases to stitch.