Wednesday, March 15, 1939

Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came & Bert [Bertille] went to church funeral of Mrs. Parker 49. church was crowded; mass said by Fr. Aydt, Rattermans Schumacher. Pallbearers are Oscar Birkner, Adam Eckert, Ed Schneider, Ted Eichenseer, Willie Harbaugh, Roy Staufenbiel. People here from all over. Myerscough of Ruma etc. Bert [Bertille] went to quilting again this afternoon, finished 1 quilt done. Bill [Klein] came & Bert [Bertille] went along to Red Bud lent service tonite.

Sunday, Jan. 8, 1939

Went to mass. Mrs. McCafferey passed out. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile. We took pictures this afternoon, such a beautiful day. Mr. Judge Schneider is being buried this afternoon from Wagner’s funeral parlor to church & was buried at Catholic Cemetery by his wife. Mr. Klube of Waterloo died to, will be buried Tues; Mrs. Geodelle’s Uncle. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paulters tonite to a dance given by Ozark Ridge runners, swell music but no crowd, mostly all Columbia people there; musci [sic] sure good.

Saturday, Sept. 3, 1938

Nice day. Susie & German band played songs for Rosalia’s birthday tomorrow. Pap went to Red Bud took car to Schneiber’s get it looked at oil changed etc got 573 miles now. Waterloo & Millsdadt [sic] Home Comings, start this eve. with parade. Susie played for Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Cortner also today. German Band announced Millsdadt [sic] home coming on program. Went to Millsdadt [sic], seen parade & it was good large crowd.

Thursday, Aug. 4, 1938

Canned 21 qts. peaches. Laut & Schneider hulling clover seed here. Awful hot today. Cut tomatoes for catsup & peach preserves.

Friday, Nov. 26, 1937

Bernice got eggs. @ 26¢. Pap went out on business trip. Lester Mehrmann & Geradline [sic – Geraldine] Werling were married yesterday eve. at 5 o clock candle light wedding. Vic Papenberg is hauling sand for Rob. Laut’s to build new house in spring. Roy Staufenbiel & Jake. Ed. Schnieder were visiting Emil tonite at 12 o clock she called wanted to know if Roy was still here but just then he came home.

Thursday, Oct. 22, 1936

Pap went up in the woods with the tree man, he brought some honey & we strained it got 3 glasses. Ed. Schineder looked at the horses. We went out to Henry’s he butchered; we brought some along; had beef soup dinner & liver. Cold today, & nite. Tipton has euchre tonite. We paid electric light bill $1.00 for 8 kilowatts hrs. Leo came & we all went out to Henry’s; played cards, pinochle, 6 games. won every one, had fresh sausage & cake. We took all the flowers out, pretty cold tonite.

Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1936

Rose & Berti went out to Uncle Fred’s helped them get things ready for pinic [sic], & chickens etc. Pap came out for dinner & then went to Jac. Dugan’s sale by Burksville; We came home after dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went up to pinic [sic] at 2 o’clock. We had a nice shower rain this afternoon. Armin Mier of Broad Hollow has sale this afternoon also. Went to the Church pinic [sic], but didn’t win anything. Annie Braun won the stove; quilt, H. Schwagel Smithton, $3 P. Hamacher; Bed Spread, F. Miller, cold packer, Ethel Parker, quilt – St. Louis. $2 Fr. Teonjes Paderborn, quilt, L. Schneider, $5 cash, St. Louis. 48 lb. flour. Waterloo. Josie Keller was out, was here also.

Wednesday, July 31, 1935

Finished threshing up here, got 386 here. had lunch here, Mrs Geodelle & Leona stayed out home, made lunch & cooked dinner out there. We all went after we had dishes cleaned for lunch here; they had them for lunch & supper again, carried lunch out in the field; he threshed 396 out there, al [sic] together got 782 bus. & we got 260 bus. our share; it went awful this afternoon, Henry had 5 pitchers & it came down as far as 2, pop had to pitch 2 loads & Henry 1. Kemp & Scheinder again was to hot they said, by Red Bud some dropped dead & Belleville to. we got 445 bus. wheat from all the places. Henry had Helfrich to haul a load to Belleville, & got 87¢, best price, he was docked.

Tuesday, July 30, 1935

Threshing here today, had some for dinner; Eugene & outfit got here at 1:15, & threshed till 6:30, Kemp & Scheinder they laid out, some guys; it was awful hot, had lunch & supper. didn’t get finished, threshed out 300 bus. The timber cutting boss came paid the check for $100.42, 2955 ft. they cut this week.

Saturday, Feb. 23, 1935

Papa got crushing done. He went out to Geo Roth Jr. sale this afternoon, things brought fair price, he & his family will move to Hirst Place, Nel Rausch place, he is in a very poor condition not able to work. Leona brought the boys up, stayed all night, we went along with them to Waterloo Pautlers, Gus Geodelle gave the dance, had a nice crowd. Al Schneider gave one at Brezzy Hill, wasn’t very much, Moonlight there played.