Tuesday, March 24, 1936

Pap is working in the woods. The Ford garage dealer was here, left us a calander [sic] & almanac. Trast from Waterloo. Bert Thompson came to look at the colt. We went out to Henry’s; this evening, on Robert’s birthday 10 yrs. old, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to see Uncle Adam first, then stopped at the birthday. Joe Buss’s family came there to see the barn he has for sale, so they all came in the house; Mrs. Buss birthday will be Thurs. Berti milked this eve. Rose fells pretty good but still has a lump yet. Montgomery Ward Or. came today. Berti’s dress is pretty aqua, greenish blue, 34, little big.

Sunday, March 22, 1936

Pap & Berti went to mass. Rose didn’t go out with mumps. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner & supper here, we had beef & she bought some shoulder meat yet, Boy! mashed potatoes & saurkraut [sic]. We got a little horse colt this morning, it was peppy & all at once took sick. Pap went over to Ed. Meng’s, & he came over, gave it castor oil & syringe it, now it is pretty good. Aunt Mary & Berti went to church this afternoon. Henry & family came this evening. There is closing of the Forty Hour Devotion at Waterloo tonite. There was a lady here selling book for 10¢, for prosperity, some kind of bibles.

Saturday, March 21, 1936

Nice day, Rose has a swollen cheek, but doesn’t hurt & don’t get any larger, guess it is the mumps. Uncle Fred went to Waterloo to get his car fixed, she stayed here, her & Bertie went to see Wm. Birkner’s, & to Minnie Staufenbiel. Joe Griffin came looked at the radio, the B. batteries are shot, & A. is good, he put in new ones, going to take the others to Belleville, get them looked after. Uncle Adam rested pretty good last nite pap came home at 5:30, him & Emil stayed up all nite; Josie went home, Clara is coming this morning again. Josie has a sore leg. Rob. Lauts family was here this evening; had radio.

Thursday, March 5, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary are up, she went to church. Pap went out in the woods all day. Rose got some honey for Leona from Mrs. Rennecker yesterday; she has the mumps now; since yesterday morn; all swollen this morn. Mr. Ed Pabst came, went up in the woods to see dad; he wants to rent the ground again. There is all kind of bargain sales, the Mahler Clothing Store of Waterloo, delivered paper sale, beginning tomorrow, house slippers 09¢, suits $5. for men, ladies dress $1. silk spring coats $1.99, closing out sale, for 2 days, they just began about 3 weeks ago. The new store here in town Ray Wittenauers has posters around, opening special sale Sat., also buy poultry & eggs; & giving a souvenirs, & food, sample demonstration.

Thursday, Feb. 27, 1936

Berti has the mumps on both sides. Pap went in the woods this afternoon. Clara Wagner came & got 3 cheese balls for 10¢ sell them 40 doz. Colder this morning, ground frozen hard. Made 2 lbs. butter.

Wednesday, Feb. 26, 1936

Ash. Lent beins, Berti has the mumps on 1 side this morning. Bernice brought the mail. Rennecker got 1 qt milk. Rose went up to Ahren’s, just to the house, Mrs. Ahrens was buried this afternoon, church & Stehfest cemetery. We didn’t get to lenten devotions Berti, has mumps. Rain this morning, colder tonite. Eggs – 23¢ today. Roads are terrible muddy at present, so many wagons & buggies passing these days.

Saturday, Feb. 22, 1936

Washington Birthday. Pap got crushing done this morn. Henry did also, stopped here awhile. Floyd has the mumps now. Mrs. Renneker came & got some cottage cheese, also Lauts & a fellow here yesterday from Millsdat [sp] – looking for shoats, we sent him out to Henry’s, he bought them – 6 – $35. They say Walter Neff & Slyveria Helfrich are being married in St. Louis today.

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1936

Berti ironed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up had dinner here; Joe Griffin was here talking radios, Uncle Freds, going to get one like ours now, getting tomorrow, from J. Griffin $21.- there old radio. Nun from Marrisa was here wanted to buy oats. The Farm Bureau has euchre in Red Bud tonite in the school hall there. Clara Wagner has a quilt in for the firemen’s, Rose helped this afternoon. Cecelia Pour & Harold Eichenseer have the mumps; now.

Tuesday, Feb. 11, 1936

Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s, washed & brought it along home; hung it in the basement. Leona is up, but doesn’t do much yet; the boys are pretty good; Floyd didn’t get the mumps so far. Eggs are 26¢ today hogs droped [sic] 75¢. Rose went to the show Waterloo.

Friday, Feb. 7, 1936

Papa hauled wood all day. Rose went out to Henry’s this afternoon, cleaned etc. We went out to Uncle Freds, took 1 lb. butter, cheese milk along for them. Bernice brought the mail. Seen Archie Whiel has the mumps.