Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1939

Nice day, washed ironed et. Leo & family came this eve; him & pap took Whip. took a shoat to there [sic] place, he bought one from here; couldn’t take it in his car.

Monday, Feb. 28, 1938

Washed ironed. Pap went to Smithton to Ed. Heap. traded pigs & 2 bu. potatoes $30 boath [sic – unclear]] for 2 horses from him, brought them this afternoon. Pap went to H. Wittenauer bought 10 shoats from him. Went out helping U. [Uncle] Fred saw wood at 2 o clock had supper there. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] & Henry & family came here this eve; they were up at Orlets, & they were down here so came here.

Friday, Jan. 7, 1938

Cleaned, took tree down etc. Pap cleaned barn. A man stopped in, to find the way to Mrs. Hy Braun. Mr. John Horn is very ill at present. Ed. Cortner lost small shoats – 8.

Monday, Oct. 18, 1937

Raining all day. Leo Cortner was here looking for shoats. Pap got Bill Fritsche down to look at the furnace, cleaned it all out, had smoked so bad yesterday; couldn’t make much fire, warm again today, haven’t got fire in furnace now.

Wednesday, September 1, 1937

Washed, ironed; got watermelons in 15 in basement. Hy. Armstutz here looking for shoats. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came brought truck home this eve. Hecker public school opened today Mrs. Pickett teacher. Bertha Karban is working at Pickett home at present.

Sunday, Dec. 20, 1936

Went to mass, took Helfrichs along, pretty windy, & cold. Helfrichs lost a horse last week. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile, went home, we made apple pie. A fellow here from close to Belleville, looking for shoats for a neighbor who is sick. Leo & Isd. & Helfrich girls came, & Rose & Bert went along to Belleville to Lincoln, to register also to win the Nash to be given away Thurs. nite. The Thealtre [sic] was just crowded. Beautiful day.

Saturday, Feb. 22, 1936

Washington Birthday. Pap got crushing done this morn. Henry did also, stopped here awhile. Floyd has the mumps now. Mrs. Renneker came & got some cottage cheese, also Lauts & a fellow here yesterday from Millsdat [sp] – looking for shoats, we sent him out to Henry’s, he bought them – 6 – $35. They say Walter Neff & Slyveria Helfrich are being married in St. Louis today.

Sunday, July 12, 1931

Henry & family where here for dinner.  We & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went up to Smithton to the Turner pinic [sic], but there wasn’t much of a crowd there.  We met Jim Beese, & wife, & Liddie, & a few other we know.  There was people here this morning looking for shoats.  Papa went over to Freeburg church this morning.