Thursday, Nov. 25, 1937

Thanksgiving Day. Bert [Bertille] went up to church for awhile to Wedding mass of Oliver Qurin’s & Edith Klinkchardt, all white dress with train & long veil. Grohmans flower girl; & Viola Qurin, blue dress & Dorthy Klinkhardt rust colored dress, long acted as bridesmaids & Quintian Klinkhardt, 2 brother & Eugene Neff friend as best man. Bert [Bertille] went to wedding dance at Kammler’s, large crowd & received many presents, Schoenborn Och; served sandwiches & cake. We went to 10 o clock mass at Red Bud, 75 Diamond Jubiliee, Bishop was met here in Hecker. 32 priests had dinner there 3 turkeys. Went to Paderborn this afternoon to see Connor’s & F. Schilling. Sure beautiful weather these days, nice warm.

Thursday, Jan. 22, 1931

Rosalia went up to church this morn.  Mr. Caldwell was here & from here he went to Waterloo.  Papa & Uncle Fred went to Waterloo this afternoon.  Aunt Mary, Rosalia, Mamie went to the quilting in the new school hall.  There were 14 there.  It is just like spring today, so warm.  This evening we, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went out to Henry’s.  We had a six hand pinochle game, men against the ladies, the men won all 3 games.  There was a picture of 4 generations in the Sunday paper, they were Mrs. Hy Geodelle, Mrs. Adam Matzenbacher, Frieda Grohman & her baby Arlene.  There was also a picture of Lucy DeMint dancing [with] pupils.  Blanche & Rose Mary Crowe is also in it.

Monday, Sept. 22, 1930

We washed, ironed, patched today.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this afternoon a little while, from here they went to Red Bud to Chris Buehler’s, it is their wedding anniversary.  Oliver Kammler is playing accordion over at George Wagner’s.  Ralph Ettling was here, he paid his $98.00, he still has a $100.00 to paid yet.  Peter Watchel had a accident by Grohmann’s lane up by Belleville.  He was by himself when it happened, but he didn’t get hurt so very much, because he went to work again today the way they say.

Tuesday, May 6, 1930

Today is Uncle Adam’s birthday.  He is going to be 81 years old.  It is raining again a little this morning.  Rosalia went out to Uncle Fred’s this morning and brought Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary along back with her.  They were here for dinner & two lunches.  Henry & family were all here too for dinner and two lunches.  Papa, Uncle Fred, Henry, dug up the sewer this morning.  It was blocked up but it didn’t come through yet, so they will have to work another day if they didn’t get finished today.  Mr. Hill was over a little while.  Rosalia took 4 doz. eggs to the store & got .19¢ a dozen.

Mr. George Heyl got killed this afternoon.  The way we heard Mr. George Heyl had been to the stockyards and when he was coming home he got killed between Smithton and Hecker in that creek bottom by Grohman’s.  He ran out of gas and went to the neighbor’s house to get some, when coming back a machine struck him and killed him.  There is so many tales out, that you don’t know which was the right.  Henry Gambach found him laying on the road when he came back from St. Louis.

Sunday, February 2, 1930

Today the groundhog saw his shadow that means six more weeks bad weather.  Aunt Mary & Uncle Fred were here this morning.  Henry came up with Levi Ganley to church and took our Whippet home.  After dinner Henry’s family came up because there was Benediction and throat blessing.  We all got our throats blessed.  We found 5 eggs.  John Kammler’s and Mehremans were also there.  Mrs. Laut is on the sick list at present.  Adam Eckert’s baby Irvin is also sick with bronchitis and pneumonia.  Tonight there is a play at Smithton.  Players from the St. Mary’s Parish at Belleville (to preform).  Today Bill Grohman had their little baby girl baptized.  Mr. and Mrs. Adam Matzenbacher were sponsons.  They named it Orlin Ida.  Henry had company last night.  Uncle Pete and Jake’s kid and Betty Jane and rest of family were there.