We washed, ironed, patched. The wind is so strong, it blew our clothes line to pieces. Papa went out to Henry’s with the mule, helped Henry harrow & sow oats. He had dinner there. Rosalia went & got him this evening with the Whippet. The sewing circle of Red Bud Catholic Church is giving a card party tonite. There is also one in Waterloo given by Mary & Martha Society. Seen in the paper, Mrs. Val. Fristche was suing Wm. Klotz for $10,000 for accident of him & Val Fritche in Smithon [sic] & Hecker road. Ben Neff’s had a big dance Sun. nite, being Mr. Neffs, 53 birthday. Mr. Hy. Burdhorf of Red Bud told Eliza Boll this evening that Mon. was Mrs. Burgdorf’s birthday, & that they have a daughter living far away I believe Montana, she called her & congratulation her mother, it was 2200 mile distant talk, & Mrs. was so happy she cried for joy.
Tuesday, March 29, 1932
Filed Under: 1932, March Tagged With: Anton, birthday, Boll, Burdhorf, Burgdorf, card_party, car_accident, chores, dance, Frische, Fristche, Fritche, Hecker, Henry, Klotz, long_distance_phone_call, Mary_and_Martha_Society, Montana, mule, Neff, oats, Red_Bud, Red_Bud_Catholic_Church, Rosalia, sewing_circle, Smithton, Waterloo, Whippet
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