Friday, April 10, 1936

Went to 8 o’clock service at Red Bud; then again at 12 till 3 o’clock, there are Devotions. Felicia Rascow came along up to Hecker, with us yesterday to got to Mrs. Staufenbiel, & went along back to Red Bud with us this morning. Roth of Brickey was buried at Round Praire [sic] cemetery this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kohler of Waterloo have a baby girl born at St. Marys Hospital.

Friday, Feb. 28, 1936

Papa went working in the woods all day. S. Rennecker got milk. Ed Pabst came to see pap, he can’t rent the ground this year. Loyd is working at the foundry at Belleville now. Kalbfleisch of Millsdadt looked at the mare. Leo Kohler of Waterloo bought the Dalkert residence on South Church St. & Mrs. Aug. Wagner bought Ralph Collins place.

Friday, Feb. 10, 1933

It is a year ago today that Mrs. Ed Neff died. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day for dinner & supper, she helped to quilt. Mr. John Hepp 75 yrs. old resident of Hecker, for a few months was buried this afternoon, with ceremony at the house & taken to Stehefest cemetery, the bell tolling as they left the house. Eggs are 9¢ in town today. Mr. Arthur S. Budde passed by here today, most probably he was out at the cemetery, the paper has a big piece about it, she shot herself while seating in a rocking chair in the parlor. Dr. Smith & Mr. Budde where the only one present at the inquest, it was private. It is snowing this evening. Mr. Barney Deken of Waterloo, died Feb. 6, aged 74 yrs., was buried Wed. morning; his wife nee Geodelle, her first husband was Henry Brueggman & he passed away just 25 yrs. ago on Feb. 6, same day as he died. Tiptown congreation [sic] is giving a euchre & pie social next Mon. evening. Mr. Alfred Kohler & Miss Margaret Wiersham where married at Harrisonville on Feb. 8, Wed. morning, the attendants where Armin Wierschem brother of bride & Anna Marie Parker cousins to groom, he is the son of Alvanna Kohler of Waterloo, just relatives attended. Mr. Henry Schrader was operated Tues. morning in East St. Louis. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Heyl & children & Mrs. Henry Fenere left for Alabama last Sat. to visits at the home of E. J. Brand, & Dr. Kessler, they arrived safely after covering 525 miles, a most pleasant trip.

Friday, Sept. 16, 1932

This morning there where 2 airplanes flew fast around Hecker, they sure made a noise. There was people going around selling rugs, & some linen & one apples $1.25 ¢ bu. Fred Nobbe Sr. passed away last Thurs; he was 93 years of age. Mr & Mrs. Leo Kohler have a baby girl since Sept. 3. Mr. & Mrs. Matt Crowe celebrated there Crystal wedding anniversary last Tues. Mr. Chas. Boll was 84 yrs. old last week & Sun. Chas. Heoreth came home from the hospital & then they had 38 for supper.

Friday, April 3, 1931

Papa & Bertille went to church this morning.  Henry & Leona went to Belleville & left the kids here.  The rabbit came & laid eggs for the boys.  Leona got a new spring hat this morn. for $1.69 a brown one.  Rosalia finished our dresses today.  There was a lady here, bought 2 doz. eggs for 18¢ a doz.  Henry & family, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, were all here this evening, we all went to church.  Uncle Fred took care of the boys.  I seen in the Waterloo Paper that Mat Crowe is going to move above Wolf’s Store & Leo Kohler is moving where Uncle Matt lived.