Wednesday, Nov. 29, 1939

Bert [Bertille] washed, etc. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, he & pap hauled sand from woods, with wagon & truck; had dinner & supper here, this afternoon Leo hauled 2 loads wheat – 76 [cents]. Feruer brought load corn. We lost one of our horses, bleed so bad out of mouth up in woods; died this eve; got it home; Johnsons came this eve to get it. Marita stayed here all nite, again. Chicago Mail Order came, everything O.K. but curtain not like ordered.

Tuesday, April 18, 1939

Cloudy & cold. Bert [Bertille] washed, scrubbed brooder house etc. Chicago Mail Or. came, everything O.K. dress for Marita’s birthday, real nice Pink Tafetta size 2. Today is town election, we didn’t go to vote, no opposition same officers.

Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1938

Washed, ironed; scrubbed basement; cold packed 6 qts pork sausage. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon; cleaned up from butchering. Wm. Ganley brought our turkey up Mon. 12 1/2 lb. @ 20 [cents]. Got the Chicago Mail Order everything is O.K. Got Calandar [sic] from Chas. Grosses at Waterloo.

Thursday, September 1, 1938

Nice cool morning. Pap went up in woods count trees. Mr. Crocker tin hacking man was here yesterday, wanted to cut in our woods. Hecker Public School begins today. Mrs. Pickett teacher same as last yr. We dug all our potatoes this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, she brought yeast along for Rosalia. We went to Orlets this eve. they were going to come down. The order to Chicago came today, everything O.K. send for a cap for Marita; little to large.

Monday, Aug. 29, 1938

Send a order to Chicago Mail House. Got alalfala [sic] seed 5 lbs. 30 [cents] to sew in hog patch. Eggs 21 [cents]. Susie got $10 for coming here. Pap hauled wood this afternoon. We picked about bu. tomatoes.

Good Friday, April 15, 1938

Went to service at 7. & this afternoon from 1:30 stations & sermon at 3 oclock. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up morn. afternoon, working garden. We planted out 16 tomatoe plants. Caught 18 fish out of pond, boy! swell dinner. Berts [Bertille] work shoes came fit fine. $1. from Chicago Mail Or. Seen in Messenger. Fr. J. Orlet & St. Marys Choir, will broadcast Sun. on Messenger hour WJMV. Fr. Joe going to build the church larger & have a tower for bells; were now there outside on brick floor. $25,000 plan. Marriage license of Hy. Bruns 35 & Marcella Whitside 19 were in paper yesterday. Bert [Bertille] baked cake, for Red Bud cake sale tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 12, 1938

Primary Election. Bert [Bertille] went to Henry’s, cleaned front room & stretched curtains; ironed etc. Henry & Leona went to vote. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, making or cleaning garden. Got Chicago Mail Ord. today had to send shoes back to large; Beautiful day awful warm 72 at noon. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] brought truck back; hauled it Belleville calf & hog.

Tuesday, Jan. 25, 1938

Pretty cold. 18 above this morn. Order of Chicago Mail, cotton & goods etc came today. Leona send in a card to Susie, WTMO to sing for Aunt Mary’s birthday Wed; they sang it Mon. eve we didn’t hear it; had company then. It’s been so windy & snowing.

Friday, Jan. 21, 1938

Pap went to Red Bud took 443 lbs. clover seed to Schrieber’s. for 8 1/2 [cents]. Melvin Wagner has the measles, got a sign up, Osies Neff’s, Weigands, Geodelle’s, Klotz’s kids all have them now. Bert [Bertille] send an order to Chicago Mail Or; one to Si & Freckles at Quincy, describing Hecker; one to Ohio to a Oxydol Advertisment [sic]. A fellow here to see about clover seed again. Myrtle Neff is pretty sick.

Saturday, Dec. 4, 1937

Getting colder, windy. Our Chicago Mail Ord. came everything O.K. Pap got crushing done. Emil is done by Joe Gregson’s. Josie is sick; Emil lost his shed key. Henry came, wants to butcher Mon. if weather is favorable. The Tipton priest brought Walter Kelley over, on business for Uncle Fred. Sure getting colder, freezing right along, to be 25 [degrees].