Went to service at 7. & this afternoon from 1:30 stations & sermon at 3 oclock. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up morn. afternoon, working garden. We planted out 16 tomatoe plants. Caught 18 fish out of pond, boy! swell dinner. Berts [Bertille] work shoes came fit fine. $1. from Chicago Mail Or. Seen in Messenger. Fr. J. Orlet & St. Marys Choir, will broadcast Sun. on Messenger hour WJMV. Fr. Joe going to build the church larger & have a tower for bells; were now there outside on brick floor. $25,000 plan. Marriage license of Hy. Bruns 35 & Marcella Whitside 19 were in paper yesterday. Bert [Bertille] baked cake, for Red Bud cake sale tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 15, 1933
It froze ice last night. We washed, ironed. Papa sewed clover seed. The Ladies Aid of the Evangical [sic] Church put up two quilts in there church & are having quilting. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for church this evening, brought sack turnips along. We went to Red Bud to lent devotions. Fr. Feldman had the stations, he is in an awful condition. We fed out little chicks raw potatoes & Alfalfa.
Sunday, March 5, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner. There where some fellows here from Fults looked at our mule. Rosalia & Bertille went along with Aunt Mary to church here this afternoon, instrutcion [sic]; stations. Alois Havey looked at our hogs & Weilbacher’s from Coloumbia [sic] came & bought our 8 pigs for $15.00. Ed. Classen was here looked at the mules.
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