Tuesday, May 2, 1939

Nice day. Went to Belleville took in 3 hogs. 540 lbs. $6.80. Bert [Bertille] washed & scrubed [sic] dining room, varnished floor. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came for the euchre tonite given by Ladies Aid at church hall.

Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1938

We took 2 hogs to Belleville to Strecks, got $7 & 7.40. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, fixing fence on there places. Came back again this eve. going to Ladies Aid Euchre down in church hall, we didn’t go. Hy. Armstutz brought load willow corn this afternoon. Frank Zoeller was with him.

Tuesday, Feb. 6, 1934

We patched, ironed, quilt patches. Papa went up in the woods. The St. Michael’s Church of Paderborn are giving a euchre to nite in the Church Hall there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went, but none of us were lucky. Mrs. Berniers won the quilt that was raffled; Adm. 25, & crowd dance after, musci [sic] furnished by Rheinhardt’s orchestra. Ed Neff’s have a little baby boy born this afternoon, talk is on, married 1 mon. 2 days.

Wednesday, June 8, 1932

I seen in the paper there where 50,000 people attended the American Legion fair at Belleville Sat. & Sun. It is cloudy again this morn, so more raining coming. Papa went to Hy. Armstutz & got the team & finished cutting hay this afternoon. Then him & Rosalia went out to Henry’s & got the mule. There is a dance at Paderborn Church Hall.