Saturday, May 8, 1937

Put our chicks out to 5 hens, feeding Wayne from Mertz, he delivered 100 lb. & bran for ducks. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Pap went to M. Elonka sale at Tipton this morn; didn’t buy nothing. Uncle got shovel & baskets. Al. May’s boy brought the Int. here for Uncle Fred. We went to Leo & Rose tonite, took flowers along to plant out, & A. Mary took tomatoe plants. Clem Parker has a new car, delivering milk, set a milk cans in underneath.

Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1935

Canned 1 qt. pickles & ½ pt. tomatoes. Rose fixed Bert a skirt. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was up had lunch here. Bert took some cucumber pickles over to Clara; they got a 6 lb. fish from Hy. Armstutz. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Wagner have a 8 lb. baby boy born this morning, everybody is well they say; that increases the Hecker population to 201. We went to Red Bud, then out to Tiptown to see Mike Elonka, about some pigs, but his were sold; then went to Burksville Station to see Van De Reit, to see a cow that Finnerty has to sell there for $40.00, old; then to Waterloo got beef bone for soup tomorrow; then home, had supper.

Saturday, Dec. 27, 1930

Papa went to the sale 1/2 north of Tiptown Church, it was Mike Elonka sale.  Papa didn’t buy anything.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there too.  Harold Wagner was here this afternoon taking orders to sell flower and garden seeds.  This evening we went out to Meuth’s.  Rose & Josie were out from St. Louis.  The rest of the girls weren’t home, they had to work.