We washed, ironed, went to election, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, going to butcher tomorrow here. Rose went quilting at Wagners & supper there. The fruit man was around. Eggs are 30¢ now. Burdgorf looked at the heifers, didn’t buy yet. Roosevelt & Horner are reelected; by big majority. There is a election return dance at Pautlers & Odd fellows Hall tonite free. Mrs. Vera Boo Republican circuit clerk was elected; against Schemeir Democrat candidate. The radio stations were on air all nite.
Friday, Oct. 23, 1936
Pap went out to get corn fodder. We ironed, patched. Mrs. Vera Boo canadiate [sic – candidate] was here left her card for a vote, Miss Mildred Gambach went around with her. We started fire in furnace, cold.
Saturday, May 9, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home after breakfast, coming up after dinner & going to hospital, then Bert stays & Rose comes home. Mr. Ervin Boo, Circuit Clerk of Monroe Co. at Waterloo died Mon. & buried Thurs. afternoon there age 26 yrs; he had been ailing for quiet awhile, had 1 leg taken off several yrs. back, had pneumonia, leaves his wife nee Vera Kropp, his father & 2 brothers Willis & Billy, his wife & brother been taking care of his office, ever since he was unable to. Vic Geodelle bought the Mary Lich home of West Mill St. for $2000, were he will move it in the near future.
Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1932
We went out to Henry’s butchering today. Uncle Fred & Emil helped; they butchered a 500 lbs. one. Rossevelt [sic – Roosevelt, Franklin] got elected, & all the rest democratic except Ervin Boo he got in, so far. Mrs. Fritz won the turkey given away at Schmidts dry goods store. We had lunch, dinner & supper, out at Henry’s, & brought some fresh saussage [sic] along home. Mr. Jac Neff & Ed Neff came there too, he wants to use the team tomorrow haul wood together. Joe Hilpert is working for Fr. Grooten’s again, he came down here awhile this evening. Henry won basket groceries given by Schmidt’s.
Friday, Oct. 30, 1931
It is cold out today. The fellows that left there truck here yesterday got it again today. I seen in the paper that Ervin Boo & Vera Kropp are married now, he had his one leg taken off. The School children of the Public School is Hecker had apple picking last Sat. they picked 25 bu. one bu for every child & stored them in the School to be aten [sic] this winter. Irvin [?] Reheis was awarded $50 for selling tickets for the Lincoln Teathre [sic- theatre]. The Blackburn School is having a big Hallo’wen party tonight for the children.
Saturday, May 9, 1931
I seen in the paper that Fritzie Boo had his leg taken off now, & is getting along nicely. Martin Schilling’s have a little baby girl, they now have 2 boy’s & 2 girls. Papa went down to the truck patch & planted pickle seed, he was over by Louis Armstutz’s a little while he called him over there. Rosalia & Bertille went to the Jackson’s show tonight, & the people there, it was sure a crowd, most of them with there parked cars, they sold soap, medicine, & candy, it had slips in the boxes, Harold Wagner had one with it he got a big Indian Blanket, Rosalia [Rosalie?] Braun, Meba Hepp got teaspoons, Henry Bruns a mirrow, & many others received prizes. They played the show “Crazy House” it was good. They also gave free attendance thickes [tickets] out, we got 3 of them, chances to win a blanket.
Friday, May 1, 1931
Rosalia & Bertille went to church this morning. This afternoon Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s to get a load of corn. I seen in the paper that Ervin Boo was taken to the Hospital again in St. Louis for injuries due his right knee, while playing ball last summer. Mr. Frank Scharfenberger was buried the past week, he was 70 yrs. old, & was a monument maker & business. The Waterloo Milk Co. office was burglarized last Sunday $100 in cash was taken & $500 worth of checks where missing. Louis Armstutz has purchased a new ford sedan, & made his first try out last Sunday. Bill Horn from Columbia purchase the South Side Garage from Bill Haudrich, & he is working for Schrieber’s garage at Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, they had lunch & supper here. In the evening, we went to church, May Devotion. Steve Rennecker was here & wanted eggs for setting but we didn’t have none. Wilfred Eichenseer was just here this afternoon & got 2 settings, 30¢. We got the chickens altogether now, so if they want them, that’s the only kind they can get. Roy Staufenbiel was here this eve.- he came to ask for information, Robert Laut wanted to buy his house there for $150.00 & live there until he had a place to put it on. But I don’t think Roy will do that. We planted out cabbage & tomatoes in our truck garden today.
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