Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1936

We washed, ironed, went to election, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, going to butcher tomorrow here. Rose went quilting at Wagners & supper there. The fruit man was around. Eggs are 30¢ now. Burdgorf looked at the heifers, didn’t buy yet. Roosevelt & Horner are reelected; by big majority. There is a election return dance at Pautlers & Odd fellows Hall tonite free. Mrs. Vera Boo Republican circuit clerk was elected; against Schemeir Democrat candidate. The radio stations were on air all nite.

Saturday, Nov. 22, 1930

Papa went to Waterloo this afternoon to get his watch fixed.  Henry & Leona went to Belleville this afternoon & got the kids new shoes.  The kids stayed here.  The Democrat candidates gave a free dance & lunch in the Odd Fellow’s Hall tonight, Henry & Leona went there, it was so crowded in the basement & also on the second floor.  Hugo Radan furnished the latest music & Crooks Ramblers the old time music.  We were out at George Boll’s celebrating Karl’s 20 birthday.  Cake, Lemonade, Beer, wine, sandwiches were the refreshments served.  Papa bought 2 little pigs this afternoon from a man by Burksville.  He also brought a little kitten along too.