Friday, Oct. 13, 1939

Cool. Pap hauled 2 loads wood & for in basement. Bert [Bertille] cleaned bedroom & hall . Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came planted tulips out & Bert [Bertille] helped also scrubbed 2 room floors & cleaned them. Transfer in Waterloo paper of lot of Sophia Kessler to A. Papenberg. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn this eve. to Rosary Devotion at church. Leo & family came here this eve. Awful cold tonite going to freeze.

Sunday, Oct. 31, 1937

Beautiful day again. Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile; Harry Wittenauer came on business. Henry & family came had supper here this afternoon. We went to Orlet’s, went along with them to Paderborn to closing of 13 hr. Devotion & went back again & played cards. Fr. Brandmeyer made good sermon.

Saturday, Oct. 30, 1937

Beautiful day. Indian Summer they call it. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went along with us this afternoon to Bozzay’s sale, they are going to St. Louis; start rooming house & her daughter Elvira Hoffmanns are going to move there Crooks farm. Went to Waterloo to church, & back home; stopped at Henry’s beef is all sold. Bert [Bertille] went along with A. [Aunt] Mary to rosary devotion tonite.

Tuesday, Oct. 12, 1937

Cooked kettle soap. Pap went out on business trip. Bert [Bertille] cleaned dining room varnished floor. Harry Wittenauer sewing wheat here today. Went to Red Bud this eve. Rosary Devotion.

Tuesday, Oct. 5, 1937

Washed, ironed. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here for dinner, worked in there basement, putting a concrete slab on side for to set fruit cans etc. on. Today is Vic Prophet parade in St. Louis, was to be broadcast on radio at 7:45 tonite, also have big dance on some street. Went to euchre in school hall had 7 points, got nothing neither did Uncle Fred & A. Mary not much prizes, not so much of a crowd. 16 tables euchre; there is Rosary Devotion at Red Bud, euchre at Donahues Tipton parish, Ida Schmierbach wedding dance at Fateyville.

Sunday, Oct. 9, 1932

We went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for dinner, after dinner we went out there, had popcorn & supper. This evening we went to Red Bud to church, rosary devotion. Leona got the boys this morning before church. We ran out of gas going to Red Bud to church, by Steinger, papa called up the Red Bud gas station & they brought out 2 gals. Owen [?] was here wanted to look at the cow.

Sunday, Oct. 2, 1932

Perry May has shooting match today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here awhile after church. Louis Armstutz & Elmer Rettinghouse came here to look at our cow. This afternoon we & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary left about 1 o clock went to Red Bud, Ruma, Evansville, Ellis Grove, Springdale Park, Chester, drove to the Southern Illinois Penitrary [sic], but couldn’t go through it, only the restroom, see ferns & furs & such like, everything is so nice there. Papa was talking to Snitz Nollau. Then we went to what they call a Menard, where there are about 400 criminals there, walked up 165 steps & down again, to see them, they where out taking exercise & sun baths, seen there laundry, & there yards where the prisoners work; all the rocks got ready to crush; it sure is a beautiful scene. The Miss. River so close, especially went [sic-when] you are so high up you can see the river such a far distance, then we drove up around the river up the big hill,  then back into Chester again, then back home, it was sure a nice drive we covered about 70 miles was home again 5 o clock. We had supper at Uncle Freds. Henry & family came up we all went over by Aunt Marys, across the street. There is rosary devotion at Red Bud, but we couldn’t go, Henry was up they took a 3 gal. crock of bacon along home 38 lb. with crock. There was a bunch 19 from Hecker went over to Walter Deffabaugh in St. Louis on a visit in Clarence Wittenauers truck.

Wednesday, Oct. 22, 1930

Ed. Meng & Johnny Wertz was here this morning & got the lime dust spreader.  Today a year ago our curtain was put up and our linoleums laid.  The weather is awful gloomy.  It is raining a little now.  There is no devotion tonight on account of the weather.

Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1930

Bertille cleaned house this morning.  We made some sweet chow-chow this afternoon & also some piccalilli.  One of our white young pullets died today.  Rosalia & Bertille went to church this evening.  Rosary Devotion again.  When we came out of church it just started pouring down raining.  Tonight is also the Literary Meeting down in the Public School House.  Speakers are H.M. Hill, Wm. Wiegand, Dr. Bock from Smithton & Greg McCarthy teacher.

Sunday, Oct. 12, 1930

There are shooting matches for geese and turkeys and ducks all over again today.  Mrs. Threfall has one for geese.  Alfred May, Wm. Reagan & a good many others.  Henry and family stayed for dinner then afterwards went home.  They was supposed to come back to Pete Reheis that Frank Dudenhoeffer was coming out from St. Louis.  Mr. Louis Dudenhoeffer and wife and son and wife were here a little while then they went back to Reheis too.  He wasn’t in this country around here for 40 years.  They was at our house about a half an hour.  Hecker played their last baseball game today with Floraville for this season.  Hecker won 12 to 1.  Rosalia and Bertille went to church, Rosary Devotion this evening.  There was a man here from E. St. Louis here and wanted to buy some eggs, so we sold him 6 doz. for .27¢ a doz.  Pours got the baby christened Ethel.