Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1939

Went to Belleville with things, all sold but 2 pumpkins. Uncle Fred working up here this morn; brought bucket of peas this afternoon she [Aunt Mary] came along up. We got 25 [cents] for eggs today. Frank Kroll’s have baby girl born Sat. eve. & Dominic Roth girl Sun. at Belleville Hospital. Reports are that Aaron Papenberg is going to build a house, on Kessler’s ground next to Kammler. Hy. Fereuer brought the 3rd of potatoes this eve. 15 bus. The war business is still going strong. Warsaw is nearly cleaned out, paper says, half burning, churches were bombed Sun. during services.

Monday, March 14, 1938

Cloudy all day. Laut’s basement is all dug out now, ready to pour cement. Bert [Bertille] took eggs up got 15 [cents] – 8 doz. Chas. Rey from Waterloo came this morn. bought the 10 pigs, going to get them this afternoon; $7 a piece. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, went to Phil Muertz sale, government selling him out, Perry May was sale cryer, & Steve Griffin clerk; things brought fair price, Emil came over to. Report of Rose Mueth being dead is false, nothing to it, she is living & getting better, sure some talk going around false.

Wednesday, March 9, 1938

Raining again. Pap went to barber; Joe Freund & guy here looked at pigs, to high price they said. Chas. Wagner was here, quilting for fire co. – put in 2 quilts this morn; 1 a marked of & the other fan quilt. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came here & Bert [Bertille] went to fire house, quilting this afternoon. Emil was over awhile. Chas. Helfrich got oats & potatoes today. Started in to dig basement at Lauts; only 2 carpenters & Karl Boll & Geo. Parker with team; its a contract job; Emil don’t even get chance to work there; suppose to be $1400 house including furnace.

Monday, March 7, 1938

We washed, ironed, patched. Pap sewed clover seed, hauled wheat to Waterloo this afternoon, 1 load from here 77 [cents], & 2 loads from Henrys 82 [cents]. top price is 84 [cents]. Bert [Bertille] took eggs to town got 14 [cents]. Lauts tearing house down today. Hoffmann from Belleville nearly all down this eve. Steve Stiffler was here this eve. on business. Sure warm.

Saturday, March 5, 1938

Rained heavy last nite; colder this afternoon & eve. Pap sewed clover seed. Eggs 14 [cents] at Mertz Bert [Bertille] took 7 doz. up & got 1/2 butter from Reheis’s make; 20 [cents]. Robert Lauts moved some of there furniture to Rennecker’s, the living room suite. getting ready to tear the old house down, to build a new one, Hoffmann from Belleville has the contract the paper says.

Friday, Sept. 24, 1937

Went out to Henry’s got load wheat took it to Waterloo 97¢. brought some along home for crushing tomorrow; we also took our sewing machine along it, getting it repaired doesn’t sew. Electric bill was 8 hrs. this mon; little more light then last mon. Pap went to see John this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in went to Red Bud to Buehler’s, & junk pile gathering some old junk. Dr. Hatz of Waterloo dentist, is building a new house Waterloo Park sub division contract by Osterhage Builders. Siedle building gone for Teonges west of railroad tracks, lot of houses going up again in Waterloo. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down awhile this evening; lights went out for awhile.