Wednesday, April 6, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary are planting potatoes up here today. Papa is setting posts. Uncle Fred got our mule to work his patch up for corn. Catherine Perry from St. Louis got married yesterday. We got a letter from the Ill. State Auto Ass. the cards, & stickers for the car. Jo. Huber, & Walter Heyl where relected [sic] for road commisioner [sic] & clerk. against Geo. Lohrberg & Albert Thompsons for Poll 1 Monroe Co. & Melching the way we heard for the Blackjack & out that way.


Saturday, Jan. 16, 1932

Papa went up to the Farmers Telephone meeting at Griffins this afternoon. They elected Adolph Spalt pres. Kenneth Kemp vice presi. Purtle Sec. Ben Heyl Tres. We & Renneckers went over to Wagner’s & played cards, Steve had 1500 trump & missed 1000 aces, in one deal, didn’t see them. It broke up about even.