Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville selling. Marita stayed here; had beef soup dinner. Eggs 28 [cents]. Bert [Bertille] varnished kitchen floor this eve. Ted Eichenseer is building double garage, he purchased a 1939 Demonstrator Chev. from Kaiser at New Athens. Hy. Bruns moved his family & household articles last Sun. to Gambach farm, were [sic] he will now start farming, there. Mrs. Fristsche has her house for rent.
Monday, Nov. 18, 1935
Henry & Leona, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here butchered 2, one for us & 242 lbs. & one for Uncle Freds 250 lbs; the boys went to school; Uncle Fred took load home & came back again for supper; it is his birthday 61 yrs. old, we went out this evening. Henry & family, Chris Buehlers family & Oscar Birkner & 2 boy’s & Kenneth Neff, were there, played pinochle, games, sang songs, had cake, cookies. Fredrick Fritsch was here wanted eggs, we had none. Hy. Armstutz brought load corn. Hecker school has visiting day; no school here.
Monday, March 26, 1934
Raining all day. We sewed dresses. Lucille Brand is 35 yrs. Papa went uptown mailed letter to Mrs. Fritisch about corn. He went up again this afternoon.
Thursday, Sept. 17, 1931
Papa is hauling the fresh coal in the basement for this year. He hauled 2 loads this morning. Henry was here this afternoon, he was talking about getting his hogs vacinated [sic], Alf. Geodelle, Joe Schilling have there. There are getting them vacinated [sic] all over. Papa went over by Steve Rennecker’s awhile. There was a gent here selling Oriental Rugs. It is awful hot these days. Odillo Eichenseer & 2 of his friends from St. Louis left last Friday, for Chicago, he covered a distance of 900 miles with his new car. They took a 40 miles ride on the lake on a speed boat. Papa was over at Rennecker’s this afternoon, & Steve he told him, today was his 40 yr. wedding anniversary, so tonight we all went, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry’s family, Gus, Klotz, Adam Brauns, Ed Neff, Gus Frisch, the evening was spent in musci [sic], cake, soda, wine where the refreshments served. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s this afternoon, papa had to help him, he got his hogs vacinated [sic] Quirin did the work for $8.55. Albert Cleveland Grover where there, he brought theres up to & got it vacinated [sic], he has only the one. The egg man was here, we sold 3 doz. 19¢. A man selling rugs, & one taking pictures of babies where here.
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