Friday, Aug. 13, 1937

Canned 5 qt. peaches, cooking catsup. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, she helped clean dishes for pinic [sic] at school hall. Leo & Rose came, he went to the milk meeting in school hall. The Waterloo Home Coming is going to be on Sept. 4 5 6. at the New City Park.

Saturday, Jan. 16, 1937

The John Kaltwasser farm was sold this morn. at the quarry, brought $10,000, some price for farms these days; Nic Cortner bought it, 160 acres, with the quarry & all. Telephone meeting this afternoon. Eliza Boll got reelected operator, John Braun was against her. Leo & Isadore were here this evening, he had got a card from Sanitary Milk Producers, that there was to be a meeting held at Paulter’s the same nite as the wedding dance, so they went to Eliza Boll’s & called in to Paulter but there is no milk meeting there that nite, he said.

Saturday, July 23, 1932

Papa went to get crushing done. Today is Mrs. Cleveland’s birthday. We all went to Wm. Sharpe’s sale on the Ritzel farm east of Waterloo, but didn’t get nothing, good sale, it was supposed to start in the morning, we took our dinner along. It rain a little this evening. Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker, & Henry & family where here this eve. Henry went to milk meeting in the school hall.

Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1931

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up all day.  They had dinner here.  It rained this afternoon.  Henry & family came up this evening.  Henry went to the milk meeting at the School Hall.

Tuesday, June 2, 1931

Papa cut hay all day.  Frank Schwindle was here & brought our brooder stove back.  Alfred Eckert & Oliver Birkner where here selling chances on a quilt for a dime, we took one.  We had our first spring chicken dinner today.  This afternoon Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & put up there curtains in the rooms, they where here for lunch.  Henry & family, & Dan Geodell’s family where here this evening.  Henry & Dan & the boy’s where going to the milk meeting, but it was at Broad Hollow Grange so they didn’t go there, they thought it was at Hecker.

Thursday, March 19, 1931

We all went to church this morning.  Papa went to Red Bud, & he stopped in at John Braun’s.  This afternoon Papa went out to help Henry in the woods.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon to clean & spade the paths in their garden.  Clifford was here & got a setting of Reds’ eggs for 25¢, eggs are 16¢ at the store.  Henry came up & him & Papa went to the milk meeting in the new school hall.  They also had a milk house on a truck here too, it was 6 x 8 ft.  Mrs. Duecker got a spell again this afternoon, they called for the doctor twice.