Monday, March 27, 1939

Cold this morn. Pap took 17 bu. wheat to Waterloo 63 [cents]; went to Odd Fellows Hall electric show. Chas. Stookey & Nichobaun sisters of KMOX were there. Aunt Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Red Bud to Raffte for permanents Bert got $2. & A. [Aunt] Marys wouldn’t take, color came back again; so she cut them up short. Eggs 15 [cents]. A hair dryer & electric clock was given away at Waterloo today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went Waterloo to show. Marie Kolmer won percolator & Mitchell Electric toaster & hair dryer as attendance prize, large crowd.

Friday, June 21, 1935

Rain all night & morning, & heavy, showers this afternoon. We clipped chicken wings; cut lawn this evening. We got a postcard greetings from Josie Keller, she is 537 miles from St. Louis South, at present at Tenn. Sun, going to see Power House 1 Dam at Shoals Ala. Seen in Waterloo paper Anton Jaefer 77 yrs. was buried Mon. morning at Waterloo catholic Church cemetery. Mr. & Mrs. Otto Kalmer have adopted 2 orphan children, boy 2 & girl 1 yr. old. Mr. Chris Fleckenstein – Eva Armbruster’s husband was buried last week at Smithon [sic]. Clarence Osterhage & Helen Kolmer are to be married tomorrow at Waterloo. Cool this evening.

Friday, May 25, 1934

Mr. Kolmer was here yesterday, looking for seed corn, we had none. Miss Ethel Deuker of Washington Park, E. St. Louis, is recently recovering from an operation on appendix. Mrs. Fred Papenberg is a patient at hospital in Belleville for a day, Dr. Wagner gave her gas, to pull all the upper teeth but 6 out, every one has an abscess on, she has awful trouble with them. Miss Bessie Parker, is very ill with cold. Aunt Mary says the frost killed watermelon, pickle & few tomatoe [sic] plants, last night, everything is OK here. Lester Gregson while hauling milk one day last week, had a wreck, another car, going in the same direction, hit the back of his truck, he now has it repaired, the other car was a total wreck, all damaged, no one was hurt. We took Uncle’s ladder & things home this evening.

Sunday, Jan. 14, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner & supper here; this evening we all went down to Levi Gregson’s; had social conversation, looked at picture, played musci [sic], had cookies & apples. Henry was up & him & papa went to the public school took the Farm Bureau Meeting & got there government wheat checks, papa’s was from Pabst $5.06, & Henry’s $22.58; Hughes & Kolmer spoke about the hog & corn, question Mr. Vogt came to see Uncle Fred about renting his place, but it isn’t for rent. Minnie Staufenbiel came to see Aunt Mary, wrote a letter to John Hempe today. Lauts got election washer. Walter Hecke moved to Waterloo last Sun. Alvin [Irvin – ed. correction] Albrecth nee Bertha Muenth have a little baby boy, called it James; now have 4 children.

Sunday, Dec. 18, 1932

Wm. Kraemer of St. Louis died & will be buried Mon. morning at Round Prairie, he was formily [sic] a native here. Miss Marjorie Rausch, Julius Raush’s daughter won the beauty queen last Sat. night, at the Farm Bureau dance. last year, Miss Myrtle Ruhl won, Marjorie was selected first out of 6. Second Marie Kolmer. We bought 20 lbs. beef at 11¢ & grinding free at Strecks yesterday; they took us all through the place, where its hanging, kitchen, smoke rooms, its nice there but cool in there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here for dinner, she bought a soup bone & pap cooked the soup, he wasn’t feeling very good, so he stayed home. Rosalia & Bertille went to church. We played cards this afternoon. George Roever came to look at a pig’s, he wants to buy some.

Thursday, August 28, 1930

Papa went to cut corn but he came back about 8:30.  Bertille went up town to get coal oil and a few things.  Mrs. Ed Meng & Clifford went to do Belleville shopping and visiting today.  Papa went back to see Hempe’s after dinner.  I seen in the paper that Mr. & Mrs. Anselm Krehrer celebrated their 25th Wedding anniversary on Sun. Aug. 24.  All the relatives gathered to take part in the happy event.  Rebumen [Ruben?] Kammler and a Dr. from Belleville motored to the Ozarks over the weekend.  This evening we went out to Uncle Fred’s to help him unload & carry their victrola in the house.  They were at Belleville this afternoon and bought one from Rhein’s for $10.00 with 18 records.  They have 2 right nice pieces they are, “You Don’t It Not Much.” & “Lonesome Tonight.”  Bertille read in the Republican paper Mr. Henry Eichleman & Doris Einwich were married Aug. 26 in Rev. Eschman’s parsonage.  They took a honeymoon trip to South Dakota.  Mrs. Elizabeth Krack died she was 88 years old.  If she would of lived until Sunday she would have been 89 years.  She stayed by Mrs. Hy. Hellmer her daughter.  She was buried last Thursday morning.  Otto Susewind & Catherine Schafer close friends of Ewinich and Eichleman were best man and bridesmaid.  I seen in the paper that Hy. Biffar had a weed fire.  It destroyed the house & barn on the premises of the Ahern Bros. who reside in St. Louis.  With the help of some farmers ploying furrows around tracts.  Besides the buildings, quite a bit of hay in the barn was also burned.  Mrs. Alvin Franke nee Geodelle died and was buried Monday.  She was 37 years old.  And is survived by her husband & 2 children one son Hamilton and daughter Mary Louise.  She also leaves four brothers Emil & Ted of St. Louis and Victor & Jacob of Waterloo & 4 sisters Mrs. Wm. Kolmer, Mrs. L. Matzenbacher, Mrs. Art. Bestman & Miss Olivia all of Waterloo, Ill.  Mrs. Cornelia Petria is working at the knitting mill.

Friday, August 15, 1930

We all went early this morning to church.  The priest passed Miss Stella Roscow by this morning at the communion railing.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner and breakfast.  This afternoon we all went into Belleville.  We got some cook pots.  Rosalia went and got the mail.  This evening Papa, Rosalia, Bertille, Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry & family went up to Uncle Adam’s & Emil’s.  I have seen in the Waterloo Times that Miss Ida Sommer & two girl friends from Columbia motored to Louisville, Kentucky, where they will spend a week seeing many points of interest such as Mammoth Cave, Lincoln’s birthplace at Hodgenville, Ky., The Old Kentucky home of Bardstown & Camp Knox.  They expect to return home Sat.  Also Miss Marie Kolmer and Louise Dalkert left Sat. for a tour of the west.  Their stops will include Denver, Colorado Springs, Estes & Yellowstone parks.  They will be gone about 2 weeks.  A 8 lb. baby girl was born to Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Strattman, the shoe man, at St. Mary’s Hospital, East St. Louis, Monday morning.  They now have a pair.  On August 9, Miss Alice Hoffman became the bride of Mr. Roy Bohres of St. Louis.