Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1935

Pap went to town. Another beautiful day. Pap & Berti went out to Henry’s help saw wood, Cleveland & Emil also helped. Berti ironed & patched out there. Geo. Roever & Jeff Bell looked at the mare said it was to small. Alois Havey called but pap wasn’t home. The New Athens butcher looked at the heifers & cow, didn’t suit him at dads price.

Tuesday, April 2, 1935

Ironed, painted screens, etc. Henry & family came this evening, she tried her coat on at Staufenbiel’s again, it ain’t finished yet. Today is election of road commissioners, G. Lorberg won with 201 votes, Pabst 19, Roever 40 Wittenauer 52. for clerk Cowell elected with 149 & Kiefer 142 votes.

Sunday, Dec. 18, 1932

Wm. Kraemer of St. Louis died & will be buried Mon. morning at Round Prairie, he was formily [sic] a native here. Miss Marjorie Rausch, Julius Raush’s daughter won the beauty queen last Sat. night, at the Farm Bureau dance. last year, Miss Myrtle Ruhl won, Marjorie was selected first out of 6. Second Marie Kolmer. We bought 20 lbs. beef at 11¢ & grinding free at Strecks yesterday; they took us all through the place, where its hanging, kitchen, smoke rooms, its nice there but cool in there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was here for dinner, she bought a soup bone & pap cooked the soup, he wasn’t feeling very good, so he stayed home. Rosalia & Bertille went to church. We played cards this afternoon. George Roever came to look at a pig’s, he wants to buy some.