Sunday, Jan. 14, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner & supper here; this evening we all went down to Levi Gregson’s; had social conversation, looked at picture, played musci [sic], had cookies & apples. Henry was up & him & papa went to the public school took the Farm Bureau Meeting & got there government wheat checks, papa’s was from Pabst $5.06, & Henry’s $22.58; Hughes & Kolmer spoke about the hog & corn, question Mr. Vogt came to see Uncle Fred about renting his place, but it isn’t for rent. Minnie Staufenbiel came to see Aunt Mary, wrote a letter to John Hempe today. Lauts got election washer. Walter Hecke moved to Waterloo last Sun. Alvin [Irvin – ed. correction] Albrecth nee Bertha Muenth have a little baby boy, called it James; now have 4 children.

Tuesday, September 2, 1930

Papa & Uncle Fred went to Waterloo this morning.  Aunt Mary stayed here they had dinner with us.  There was a party here looking at our blind horse this morning.  He wanted to trade on some hogs.  Leona & kids were here this morning.  We canned apples & made some jelly this morning.  Rosalia got the mail this evening.  Frank Buehlers have a little boy since last Friday, Frances.  I seen in the paper that Irwin Albrect Bertha Meuth, have a little boy.