Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, pumpkin pie & cake this morn. patched. Its hot again yesterday it was 98. Seen in paper that Joe Lengyl of St. Louis, she being Ethel May have a baby boy second boy now, also seen that Mrs. Eugene Fahey is going to teach Oak Grove School this term; she didn’t teach last yr. living in St. Louis. Mr. & Mrs. Otto Stadel nee Miss Norman Geodelle have moved household articles & 8 head horses by train to Waterloo, going to move with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jac Geodelle in Geodelletown, came from South Dakota. Hy Burckardt of Waterloo is going to start the Oak Grove Tavern now. Clifford Stahelheber wrecked his roadster last Sat. nite near Marrissa, hit into another car, he has a scratch on his chin; but now another car driving around already. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came awhile & Emil; It rained a little & thunder.
Wednesday, Oct. 23, 1935
Papa worked in the woods. We made quilt patches. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to Pautler’s to Norma’s Geodelles & Otto Stadel wedding dance, & Boy! was it a crowd; she got a few presents, going to leave next Wed. for South Dakota. Moonlight Orch. played.
Saturday, Oct. 19, 1935
We baked bread & pie. Went butchering at Henry’s about 9 o clock, had dinner finished at 3:30; everything went good, about 250 lb. hog. its awful warm, have to fry things in, we took some; so Uncle Fred went there tonite to take some. Rain a little this morning. We all got weighed out there Floyd 51 – Rob 53. Billy [Willis] 30, Bertie 118 – Rose 163 – Leona – 122 & pap -165. Henry – 130. Bernice brought the mail. Eggs 25¢. Norma Geodelle – daughter of Jac Geodelle & Armin’s sister was married this afternoon to a fellow from South Dakota at the home of her parents, he worked for Roland Eichelmann, him [Roland] & his wife are the attendants, wedding dance next Wed. nite at Pautlers. Otto Stadel his name, he came 2 weeks ago here, they were corresponding for a long time, she says. Hy. Spalt & Katie Stallmann of Prairie du Long, to be married this afternoon we heard.
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