Thursday, May 18, 1939

Ascension Day Holiday! Went to 6 o’clock mass. We didn’t go to confirmation at 10: 30 this morn. Bill [Klein] came, & we all went to St. Louis to J. [Josie] Kellers this afternoon left here at 1:30, got there at 3 oclock; she was ironing, we had supper there, left over there at 6 o’clock, got home 7:15. rained little this eve. thundered. Buettner is being buried this afternoon, private.

Sunday, March 26, 1939

Ex. for confirmation in Evangical [sic] church today, girls have to wear all white. Berniece Wagner, Wilma Birkner, Myrtle Neff & Jeneate [sic] Geoddel. Went to mass. Mrs. Mauer asked for the bake sale to be on Apr. 8, we gave 50 [cents]. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came, she went to church. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Henry’s. they weren’t at home; took ride pass club houses & over to Leo’s awhile. Tonite they came here & we went to Henry’s; celebrating birthdays.

Sunday, April 18, 1937

Went to mass. Fr. Stern read it, but isn’t just so healthy yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Leo & Rose were here for dinner & supper. Bishoff had Confirmation here this morn. & raining. Bert [Bertille] went along with Leo & Rose to Floraville to Bockers to a dance nice crowd, musci [sic] by Vogel Bros. Mr. Honnecker of Floraville was buried this afternoon, she died last week. Mrs. Probst from there also was buried last week. Herman Goessling have a baby born on Apr. 14.

Sunday, April 11, 1937

Went to first mass. Fr. Stern is still not able to say mass. In Hecker & Waterloo children making there solemn Commioun [sic – Communion] today. Emme Eckardt came got the veil again, getting confirmed next Sun. here. Con. Myerscough stopped in. Lester Gregsons came, pap was elected to serve as judge on town election Apr. 20. he is going to take the job. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile after church. Mary Havey & man of E. St. Louis were published for last time this morn. We went out to Henkels paid for the seed $12. then went to Henrys. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came there to, we all had supper there. Uncle & pap went in woods, & Rob. also, Floyd is sick, dizzy spell he gets, cold. Set 2 more duck eggs. The mail carrier brought the rest of there chixs the same day, 250 & all were dead in box; they [Henry] wrote a letter to the co. right away but so far didn’t receive no answer; Henry said, thought the chics might of been chloroform. Cyril Haudrich is having a birthday dance at Pautlers, Am. [admission] 25 & 15¢. Skaers musci [sic].

Monday, April 5, 1937

Raining all day again. Leo Hermann of Columbia was here looked at mule. Man around we ordered Extension Magazine again $3. & took rosary as a premium. We went to Paderborn confirmation, 21 got confirmed, priests present were Fr. Aydt, Janson, Greuenwald, Waterloo assistant, Bishcoff & Toenniers. Bert stood as sponsor for Thresa [sic] Cortner. Eggs 20¢ at present. Mrs. Wilmer Kaiser won $1 at New Athens, why does a hen lay eggs, because, A hen lays eggs to reproduce more of her own kind. It was provided thus by nature as a means of reproduction, we got the letter from Geiger’s today, on the winners of all the quilts etc.

Sunday, April 4, 1937

Raining all morn, & heavy, we went to Red Bud mass, hospital priest, Oberlinkels said mass, Fr. Stern is in hospital suffering with nervous breakdown. Rain & mud make it bad for Quathamaner’s funeral this afternoon; he was about 45 yrs; has been ailing for quiet awhile. The Paderborn children are to make there solemn Coumioun [sic – Communion] this morn; tomorrow afternoon get confirmed. We are invited out to Geo. Berniers for supper this eve. We went out had supper, played cards, Alois Roth, was also there Rheinhardt didn’t come, to muddy; 2 of Berniers girls making solemn coumnioun [sic] & getting confirmed; bad morn. rain. Bert gave Theresa a dress.

Sunday, May 24, 1936

Henry’s birthday 32 yrs. We went to Red Bud 6 o’clock mass. The Bishop comes there at 10:30, we didn’t go down for confirmation, there was a class of 22 children & 7 adults. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Josie Keller were here all day, dinner supper, she was out at Aunt Mary’s all nite last nite; came about 9 o clock. Omer & we went to Foster Pond to free birthday dance tonite.

Sunday, April 5, 1936

Raining this morn, thunder & lighten. Palm Sun. Levi Ganley came & paid for his two loads hay $18.00. We spayed our baby chixs, 2 died. In the Evangicle [sic] churches the children are being examined this morn. next Sun. confirmation. Mr. Al. May & daughter Margaret of Burksville, stopped in a while. Mr. Joe Freund &  Clifford Stalheber came at 9’oclock this evening, to look at the mare & colt he was down at Brauns, also looking for one; pretty late, he wants pap to look at his cow, he wants to trade in for the mare, thought the colt was nice.

Sunday, May 5, 1935

Went to church. Rain again this morning; Started furnace fire again, went to bed early this evening. The Bischoff came to Waterloo for confirmation, & afternoon to Columbia. Vic Eichenseers have a little baby boy since Fri; was christened this afternoon. Donald.

Sunday, April 14, 1935

Today it is a little warmer, Palm Sun. The Evangical [sic] churches have confirmation today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this morning, went home & came back this afternoon, for services, had supper here. A guy from Foster Pond was here & bought our drill for $10.00 cash. Dominic & Alois Roth was here, looked at our horses & colt. We went up to Reifsceinder’s farm by Belleville looked at his hiefers [sic], has 2 nice ones there, then we went in there to see him & bought the 2 delivered for $28.00. When we came home Henry & family came they had been here, went out to Aunt Mary’s awhile, & came back here again.