Sunday, March 27, 1938

Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to lent devotion here. Mr. Herman of Columbia was here. Henry came, he wanted to butcher tomorrow, but he isn’t anyway.

Saturday, March 26, 1938

Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, we went in with them to Waterloo, & went out to Paderborn church, with Henry & Leona, church was full couldn’t all get in; so many priests. Fr. Joe [Orlet] had the solemn Requiem High Mass; walked to cemetery, Fr. Aydt had sermon; she [Mrs. Orlet/Leo’s mother] has a concrete vault; she was 64 yrs. old. The pallbearers were Hy, Aloys, Dominic, Andy Roth & Ray Herman, John Mueth. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, pap went to Percy Starr’s sale this afternoon. Levi Sensel stopped in looked at horses. Pap came home with Grosse from Columbia, he bought a plow here for 25 [cents]; but didn’t take it along.

Wednesday, June 9, 1937

Raining all morning; painted in the house. Pap went up town, got beef roast. Uncle Fred & A. Mary & Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came this eve; & Bert [Bertille] went along to Pautler’s, free wedding dance from Columbia, Hermann & Linement; were married at Columbia Catholic church; Carle Ors. [Orchestra] played, had pretty large crowd after the show. Mrs. Harold Hellmer won $50.00 at the show this eve.

Wednesday, April 7, 1937

Bert went along with Ivo Buehler to Leo’s, helped ironed, patch, had dinner & supper there went along to Paderborn play tonite. Texas Ranger’s, boy what crowd, players were, Hy. Roth, Al & Bertha Karban, Isd. & Ceceila [sic] Watchel, Sly. Neff, Sy. Louis Schoenborn, Esther Helfrich, Marcella Schilling, Cryil Haudrich, Skaer’s Schoenborn played for dance after play, sure was good. Hermann of Columbia got the mule in trade for cow & pigs $65 booth [sic-both]. Leo has there cow & pigs. Bert Thompson was here, pap was over at Meng’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary bought Bert home this eve.

Tuesday, April 6, 1937

Washed, ironed. Pap went to Belleville with hogs. Wm. Karban was here looking for oats. Leo & Rose came had dinner here, we all went to Henry’s, seen the chix, only got 250 & 130 were dead, surely a mess; Rose’s never came at all, so far; then we went to Columbia to Hermann looked at cows & pigs, made trade, went to Leo & Rose tonite; Mr Orlet, Jake & Is. were there & J. Mueth. Ladies Aid have euchre tonite, but we didn’t go; Fred Wiegand got quilt played by bluey. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up he got prize.

Monday, April 5, 1937

Raining all day again. Leo Hermann of Columbia was here looked at mule. Man around we ordered Extension Magazine again $3. & took rosary as a premium. We went to Paderborn confirmation, 21 got confirmed, priests present were Fr. Aydt, Janson, Greuenwald, Waterloo assistant, Bishcoff & Toenniers. Bert stood as sponsor for Thresa [sic] Cortner. Eggs 20¢ at present. Mrs. Wilmer Kaiser won $1 at New Athens, why does a hen lay eggs, because, A hen lays eggs to reproduce more of her own kind. It was provided thus by nature as a means of reproduction, we got the letter from Geiger’s today, on the winners of all the quilts etc.