Went to mass. Berts [Bertille] 25 yr. birthday. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Leo & family were here for dinner; chicken & beef, for supper Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Bill Josie Keller brother Fred; played cards this afternoon. Herman of Columbia was here, H. Wittenauer, Klein Bros. on business; looked at horses & pigs. Beautiful day.
Saturday, Nov. 4, 1939
Bert [Bertille] baked pumpkin pie, made chicken. Henry brought pc. beef, he butchered Thurs. eve. 3 lbs; we got so much meat yet; will have it tomorrow, made steaks for supper. Was at Columbia this afternoon to see Leo Herman about selling our horses, & etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, were called to see Herbert Stalhebers over at Jennie Coop were her mother Mrs. Stahlbers has 1 room there, on business. Went througth Smithton paid Bill [Klein] for Whip. repair everything also the bill from accident, $12.00; altogether $37.55 in all. Mrs. Rennecker came over to get doz. eggs 25 [cents] price here in store.
Friday, July 14, 1939
Awful hot. Pap dug 2 rows potatoes. H. Wittenauer was here, going to thresh here tomorrow. Transfer in paper of Barney Kaiser to Joe Kaiser. We received the books for pinic [sic] at Red Bud from Fr. Spors. Henry Grossman 62 & Clara Keim 18 of Floraville were married last Sun. in St. Louis, dance in eve. at Keimes. Lightening last Sat. nite; stroke several places at Waterloo Hermans. Country Club; Johanning had 3 cows killed. Bill Weitkamp & Vivian Ripley beauty operator of Waterloo were married last Sat. in St. Louis. Some W.P.A. workers are back on job & others of [sic – off] for good; they had dynamite laid for quarry here by Hecker if they started in working, they would blow things up, so they didn’t work. We went to Leo’s awhile this eve; threshing at M. Mueth.
Sunday, March 27, 1938
Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to lent devotion here. Mr. Herman of Columbia was here. Henry came, he wanted to butcher tomorrow, but he isn’t anyway.
Saturday, March 26, 1938
Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, we went in with them to Waterloo, & went out to Paderborn church, with Henry & Leona, church was full couldn’t all get in; so many priests. Fr. Joe [Orlet] had the solemn Requiem High Mass; walked to cemetery, Fr. Aydt had sermon; she [Mrs. Orlet/Leo’s mother] has a concrete vault; she was 64 yrs. old. The pallbearers were Hy, Aloys, Dominic, Andy Roth & Ray Herman, John Mueth. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, pap went to Percy Starr’s sale this afternoon. Levi Sensel stopped in looked at horses. Pap came home with Grosse from Columbia, he bought a plow here for 25 [cents]; but didn’t take it along.
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