Saturday, Nov. 4, 1939

Bert [Bertille] baked pumpkin pie, made chicken. Henry brought pc. beef, he butchered Thurs. eve. 3 lbs; we got so much meat yet; will have it tomorrow, made steaks for supper. Was at Columbia this afternoon to see Leo Herman about selling our horses, & etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, were called to see Herbert Stalhebers over at Jennie Coop were her mother Mrs. Stahlbers has 1 room there, on business. Went througth Smithton paid Bill [Klein] for Whip. repair everything also the bill from accident, $12.00; altogether $37.55 in all. Mrs. Rennecker came over to get doz. eggs 25 [cents] price here in store.

Friday, June 26, 1936

Cleaned hen house. Bert baked bread & cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped, he took load wheat to Red Bud got 90¢. Hy Stahleber was here. Hy. Grosse of Waterloo bought. Jobrusch hand was in store, & Jobush is to be postmaster. Al. Schrieber is to be in Red Bud. Roy Gregson & Lucille Kaffai were married last Tues. morning, Alvin Kaffai & Lenora Ziebald attendants, it says in the messenger, also says that 800 men attended the Holy Name Conference here last Sun. afternoon. At 5 o clock this evening the temperature in 90 degrees. Rettinghouse came down & fixed the Whip. this morning couldn’t get it started.

Sunday, April 5, 1936

Raining this morn, thunder & lighten. Palm Sun. Levi Ganley came & paid for his two loads hay $18.00. We spayed our baby chixs, 2 died. In the Evangicle [sic] churches the children are being examined this morn. next Sun. confirmation. Mr. Al. May & daughter Margaret of Burksville, stopped in a while. Mr. Joe Freund &  Clifford Stalheber came at 9’oclock this evening, to look at the mare & colt he was down at Brauns, also looking for one; pretty late, he wants pap to look at his cow, he wants to trade in for the mare, thought the colt was nice.

Wednesday, May 2, 1934

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he cleaned his cistern, took all the dirt out; then went back home. The Y.P.L. are giving a play entiled [sic] “Here Comes Charlie,” & a dance after it musci [sic] by Holloywood Harmonists tonite in Kammler’s Hall; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went, it surely was good; the players were, Flossie Kammler, Clifford Stalhleber, Clara Hofmeister, Clarence Rausch, Ralph Rausch, Viola Weigand, Henry Spalt, Alsace Eckert, Alma Hepp, Lyle Rausch, & between acts was songs by Marjorie Emig, & acrobatics tap dancing by Louise Wilhelm both of Belleville. A large crowd, hall filled.

Monday, June 20, 1932

We washed, ironed, picked beans & canned them. The Bieble Roofing guys where here & got the balance $20.00 for the barn roof. Hy Stalheber was here & brought a check for Uncle Fred, from his son John. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, they had lunch here. Henry Metzer & son where here look at the horse. there was a fellow around with yeast foam advertising. eggs 9¢. We canned, 3 cans beans.

Thursday, March 24, 1932

This morning we went to church, communion at 8 oclock, & mass at 9 o clock. We had dinner over at Uncle Freds. This afternoon Bert Thompson brought 2 colts & got 3 hogs, even up trade. This afternoon we went to Mrs. Dugan to see if she would buy our eggs, but she had plenty, so we took them to Waterloo to Krogers got 10¢, had 51 doz. eggs, then papa & Gus Geodelle went out to Henry Ambrecht west of Waterloo & looked at a mule, seen him work, then tonight Henry took the buggy & went after him, we came home & papa & Uncle Fred went back to Henry Ambrecht again got 2 hogs & mule for $35.00. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper with us, we took Uncle Freds car & went out to Henry’s, Bobby’s birthday 6 year. old. cake, lemonade served. Rosalia got a letter from Rosie Meuth inviting us all to come to Oak Grove Mar. 30, for her wedding dance, Osie Matzenbacher. We went to church in Waterloo awhile this afternoon, till papa got back. Ella Stalheber was here but we weren’t at home.