Sunday, April 4, 1937

Raining all morn, & heavy, we went to Red Bud mass, hospital priest, Oberlinkels said mass, Fr. Stern is in hospital suffering with nervous breakdown. Rain & mud make it bad for Quathamaner’s funeral this afternoon; he was about 45 yrs; has been ailing for quiet awhile. The Paderborn children are to make there solemn Coumioun [sic – Communion] this morn; tomorrow afternoon get confirmed. We are invited out to Geo. Berniers for supper this eve. We went out had supper, played cards, Alois Roth, was also there Rheinhardt didn’t come, to muddy; 2 of Berniers girls making solemn coumnioun [sic] & getting confirmed; bad morn. rain. Bert gave Theresa a dress.

Sunday, Feb. 28, 1937

Snowed, icy. We went to Red Bud; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she stayed here for dinner, he went to L. Birkners, had supper here; he is still about the same. Vic Eichenseer & fellow from Ruma came, looked at the hourses. Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Bernius, came to see Uncle Fred about getting oats. Al. Geodelle stoped [sic] in paid for 33 bus. 25 lbs. oats @ 60¢. Isd. came & we went to Leo & Rose played cards, Alois & Gertie were also there.

Saturday, June 18, 1932

Papa went to Belleville this morning. Rosalia is on the sick list yesterday & today, so many people are now. Mrs. George Boll. Mr. Rettinghouse had a stroke the other day while coming home from carrying lunch, right in the yard it happened. Two connecting rods burned out in the chev. so papa left it at Barthel’s garage to get it fixed, he brought papa home. It was so hot today 95 in the shade & the oats bugs so bad. We took a drive up to Smithon [sic] & got a barrel that papa bought at Bernius sale. Ross is living on the place now, he bought it for $8.50. We stopped at Barthel’s, but the car wasn’t finished yet, we also stopped at George Burnius [? – is crossed out] to see wether [sic] he had the key. George Wagner’s family came over awhile, we had lemonade, he is shocking wheat for Chas. Wagner this year. Today is Ignatz Neff’s birthday, the Birkner bunch went, had beer, cake, wieners.

Saturday, June 4, 1932

Uncle Fred & papa went to Waterloo on business this morn. Aunt Mary stayed here, they had dinner here, then we all went to Smithon [sic] to Bernius Sale, bought a few things. This evening we went out to Hy. Birkner’s birthday dance, nice crowd present, cake was served.

Friday, April 22, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here this eve. Today is Cora Armstutz birthday. They tolled the bell this morning in the Catholic church for Ed Neff’s little boy died last night, it had bad cold & fever. Mrs. Bernius from Smithon [sic- Smithton] hung herself today in her home, worried over her husband’s death about 1 mo. ago. George Schilling bought the Ganley farm today sold at the court house at Waterloo.

Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1932

We sold 22 doz. eggs at Belleville for $3.44 some 14¢ & 17¢. George Bernius of Smithon is getting buried this afternoon there, also a sale Sieberts too this afternoon. Not such a nice Wedding day for Pearl & Lawrence Matthews. It rained at Belleville but not here. Henry & Leona the kids, came up 4 o clock, the kids stayed all night, we went along with them to Waterloo to Gus Geodell’s then up to Jac. Goedell’s, then out to Foster Pond’s the Wedding dance & an awful big crowd present. His brother & her cousin where best. Irvin Elbrecht have a little boy born today, seen in the paper.

Monday, February 1, 1932

Mr. Ed Volkmann is getting buried at Evansville this morn, last week they buried Mrs. now he died too. We washed, ironed, patched, baked bread, cleaned chicken house. There was a agent here selling kerose mantle lamps, & another party here & bought 2 dox. eggs 18¢. Ed Neff’s have a little baby boy born today 10½ lbs. Thehoders [sic-Theodore] Hellmer of Red Bud will be buried tomorrow. George Bernius of Smithon died this morning. Buddy Ettling was here a little while. It started raining a little this evening.