Saturday, Aug. 12, 1939

Raining showers on & off today, some pretty heavy ones; 3 houses were on fire in Waterloo this morn. electric wire, ran from one house to the other. Canning peaches so many fell of [sic] from wind. Pap went along with Emil out to Joe Schillings sale; things that Hess had bought on the other sale; Kettler has moved in there alreadys Hess lives on Uncle Adam’s place now; things went cheap at the sale. Ray Schmierbach & Luella Koerber are getting married in St. Louis today; dance tonite at Turners Hall in Smithton. Everybody welcome. Wagners left this afternoon, for supper. Hillsheim painted Wagners car blue & black; looks pretty good. Plenty rain for Wedding; Koerber boy & Verita Muhrmann & 2 from his side attendants; they had Favres V.8 Demonstrator, & Elmer Schmierbach turned it over, on slab near Smithton, car was damaged, but no one hurt.

Tuesday, October 1, 1935

Beautiful day; Church pinic [sic] at Columbia, we have chances for that 110 pc. dinner set, 100 lb sugar, 2 pr pillow cases, cedar chest, quilt; Catholics got euchre & dance at Paderborn tonite Hillsheim & Braun wedding, 9 o clock mass. Uncle Fred, & Aunt Mary came & her & Bert went to mass. Walter Pour’s twin boy ring bearer & Doris Braun her sister flower girl dressed in blue; then came Cecilia Pour, dark green. Velvet dress & hat & flowers, she was maid of honor; bridesmaid Alvera had purple velvet dress & had, both had silver shoes; her oldest sister; then the bride with white satin dress & long veil, carrying lilly [sic] of Valley boquet [sic]; groom & his brother best man came in at the sanctuary, dark blue suits, they showered them with rice; lot people in church, Jatho’s all through [sic – throw] rice too, he used to board there; he works St. Louis Dairy here; all kind of ribbons & tin cans, card boards hanging on. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went along to the wedding dance at Maniers Hall, nice crowd, Mellow Moon Orh. of Belleville played; a rose was given to all the ladies; & slipper was sold $1.25 & collection was taken up for pay expense. “Let Me Call You Sweeheart [sic] waltz” was playing for bride & groom; she received an awful lot of presents. Manier sold the bar & sandwiches at the park outside. Henry was here all day harrowing, had lunches & dinner. Clara Wagner & Mamie Eichenseer got flowers slips here; we planted some more out to.

Sunday, Aug. 25, 1935

Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, we went along with them to Columbia to the Homecoming, had a wonderful time seen the parade, was interntained [sic] by Jimmie & Dick Radio stars, boy! they were good; danced free in afternoon. came home, ate supper, then went to Totch’s at Paderborn. Boy! what a time fish & chicken fry; free dancing day & nite Schoenborn & Schaefer playing ; & large crowd; Hillsheim & Gus Frish were there advertising, the church pinic [sic] for Wed. Goe Griffin & Tillie Hafley were published 1st time.

Thursday, Jan. 26, 1933

We are smoking our summer saussage [sic] again. It is awful windy today. We fixed on our machines, put the new license on. Henry brought a load of corn up. Mr. & Mrs. Louis & Bill Reisfchender of Waterloo where here & looked at our mules; eggs are 10¢ today. the Salvation Army men, where going around begging & playing musci [sic], I don’t think they got very much. We went to Aunt Marys birthday, 56 yrs. old. dancing & singing where the main features, cake & doughnuts where served to the following people, Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Parker & family, Mr. & Mrs. Frank, Henry, Willie, Oscar, Birkner’s & family, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Birkner, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Armstutz; Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brand & family, Adam Eckerts family, Schaefers, Krehres, Papenbergs, Parkers, Robert Probst, Jerome, Hillsheim, Wilfred & Leo Cortner, Loraine & Edwin Neff, Clem Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Ignatz Neff. Oliver Kuehn. It started in raining & wind got to the north, & it sure did get cold. Philip Meuth got the priest out home, some one must be sick. Bill Haudrich of Red Bud had a little baby last Thurs. Jan. 19. Emil Haudrich & Elizabeth Buss where baptism sponsors. It is a little boy. Mr. Ferd. Vogt & Miss Mary Kroll of Hecker, graduated nurse & daughter of Mrs. Agnes Kroll where married Mon. morning at 6’o clock mass, they will make there future home in Waterloo.

Friday, Sept. 4, 1931

Today Rosalia is 20 yrs. old.  The bunch came & surprized [sic] her, where: Mr. & Mrs. Henry Birkner & family, Henry Brand & family, Fred Papenberg & family, Alf. & Elsa Eckert, Rosalia & Rita Braun, Clem & Elmer, Bessie Parker, Hy. Hillsheim, Odillo & Mamie Eichenseer, Christ Buehler & family, Henry Spalt, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rennecker, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary.  The basement was cleared & dancing begun till 12 o clock, Uncle Fred & Henry furnishing the musci [sic].  Beer, cake, where served.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for lunch& supper.  It is also Mrs. Geodell’s birthday, they had the celebration Thurs. evening.  Fr. Grooten gets in trouble with everybody, Richert was fined $15.00 & all night in jail for having plum wine, Jack Ganley was arrested, cutting the wires on Hillsheims machine & one thing another, lots news in Hecker, in 1931.  But ain’t so claims it.