Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1938

Nice day. We went to Leo’s help butcher, also Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Mrs. Orlet helped. Vic Papenberg & Bessie Parker getting married 9 o’clock this morn. We went to dance at Daabs Club House, Elmer Parker & Cecelia were best, she wore dark blue dress, Bessie white & veil. Henry butchered today also, & we didn’t know it.

Wednesday, Sept. 30, 1936

Cloudy this morn. but Sun shining now, getting cooler. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here went to Waterloo to get wall papers. Vic Eichenseer came & got there radio again this afternoon, no trade yet. Mr. Odello Eichenseer & Dorthy Meyer are being married at Belleville at St. Threasa [sic] this morning; wedding dance at Daab’s Club House tonite, we are invited to attend; & we went. Schmidts Merry Makers played; her twin sister Doris & friend best & Mamie maid of honor, & Cyril; usher; wasn’t a very large crowd; drinks beer & cake free.

Tuesday, June 12, 1934

Awwful [sic] wind & rain last night. Papa & Rose went to Belleville with load hogs. 3 to Strecks, 2 weighed 355 lbs. at $3.70, & 1 sow, 290 lbs @ $3.00. We washed, ironed beautiful day pop is hauling manure. The umbrella & scissor sharpener was around, Miss Marie Fults, my 2nd yr. school teacher, & Clarence Heberer from Mascoutah were married Sun. morning at the Evangical [sic] church, of Waterloo, by Rev. Kochkeim, the attendants were, Miss Dorothy Werling, a friend, & Miss Luella Fults a sister to the bride. Elaine Kochheim flower girl, Donny Gleiber, nephew of the bride, ring bearer. Clarence Kinchoefer of Decatur a friend as  best man, & Clifford Heberer, brother of bridegroom. The Wedding dinner was served at the bride’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Laf. Fults. They then departed in the afternoon for Denver Colo. for a visit with relatives; then to Boulder to attend summer school; Arriving home about Aug. 1. taking up residence in Mascoutah, where he is employed as teacher in the Public School; Miss Fults was teacher for 11 yrs. in the grade school, in Waterloo. Mr. Heberer is the son of Mrs. Conrad Juenger of Lenzburg. Miss Fults is also soloist for both the Evangical [sic] & Methodist Episcopal Churches, & a member of the Choir.