Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Orlets came & Bill [Klein] this afternoon, & we took a drive in V8 to Fort Chartres & Renault, Waterloo home; had nice drive & hot. all had supper here. John Schaefer’s new home, that is going up in Waterloo was boombed [sic] by chimney $200 damage had just gotten roof on same day. Crook boys had accident at Leohr Station but reported getting along well, were taken to hospital.
Sunday, May 28, 1939
Penetcost [sic]. Went to mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Leo & family & Bill [Klein] came this afternoon had supper. Totsch’s have fish fry & dance tonite. Hecker Public School kids had there pinic [sic] at Fort Chartres today, rained a little this afternoon.
Sunday, July 24, 1938
Hot. Went to first mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile. Becker Ins. agent came brought policy title back for our car. Henry & family came had supper here. Bill Klein & Bobby & Al, Bertha, Elsie Karban & Marcella Schilling & 2 brothers all came wanted to go to Fort Chartres, but we were getting company so Bill stayed rest left, took his car anyway. When they got to Fort Chartres. Fr. Wishkamp from Paderborn & Buddy Karban & Jerome Haudrich caught them, they all went to Ferry crossed it went to Kaskaskia to church pinic [sic], were Fr. came from; he paid all expenses 10 in all, had supper there; payed $1 a car & 15 [cents] a piece to cross ferry, they all had a wonderful time. We went to Karbans this eve. ate watermelons. Joe Schilling’s threshing run had free beer at Kaburecks to nite & lawn party. Walter Gregsons celebrating 25 yr. silver Wedding inn at Log Cabin tonite. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary went. Fr. Spors was there made a speech. Schmidt Orchestra, playing musci [sic]. Renneker’s, Emil were all down. Nic Cortner died Belleville hospital this morn. sometime buried at Hecker.
Sunday, Oct. 4, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Mrs. Feldmann died, will be buried Tues. morn. solemn high mass; the mother of Father Feldmann, expecting 20 priests, from all over. Omer & Tillie went to Fort Chartres & Renault & home. Leo was down, they had supper here, went to Paderborn to Tolsetis tonite, free dance, & fish fry, had nice crowd. Skaers played. Geo. Boll bought our disk $10. Mr. Dare, bought the drill $8. Wm. Harbaugh was here to see Uncle. Hecker baseball team has a dance at Kammler’s Adm. 25. Schmidt’s Merry Maker playing musci [sic]; wasn’t so much of a crowd, they say. There is a free wedding anniversary dance at Donahue’s tonite, musci [sic] by Carle’s Orch. Barry May, Eichelmann’s all have shooting matches, for geese & ducks today.
Sunday, Oct. 21, 1934
Mission Sun. We went to 6:30 mass at the Catherdal [sic] at Belleville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had lunch here then went home. The Ladies of Hecker parish had meeting this afternoon & going to give a turkey supper on Thanksgiving Day. We went out on a trip this afternoon, to Waterloo, down the American Botton, along the river, stopped at Fort Chartres & home through Red Bud. Went out to Henry’s, stoped [sic] in, Walter & Miss Kluber & Adelle were there. We went to Uncle Adam’s & Emil, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to. Ed & Carrie Brand are here from Alabama, came Fri. afternoon on a surprize to all. Ed is awful stout, just 5 yr. ago sine [sic – since] there were here together. Alice & Lucille are by Kemp’s now, they will leave Thurs.
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