Saturday, June 3, 1939

Priests are being Ordained at Cathedral this morn. Cloudy again this morn. Bert [Bertille] washed car. Pap went to Fiedlers farm sale at Burksville. It rained nearly all over yesterday but here, heavy rain out at creek.

Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1935

Fried down bacon & sausage. Send a order to Chicago Mail Order for shoes, felts for pap. Today Barbara Schoenborn of Paderborn working at Belleville & Roos are being married at the Catherdral [sic] at Belleville, dance at Daab’s Club House tonite, musci [sic] by Clem Rheinhardt & Gus Schaefer & Jake Schoenborn. & Joe Freund & Viola Einwich have a double birthday dance at Pautler’s, musci [sic] by Moonlighters, Gents 25 ladies free & goose as attendance prize, he send Berti a invitation card. Hy. Armstutz brought load corn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & took Rose & Berti along, went to Pautlers to the birthday dance; Lanking won the goose, but he has so many; so they gave him $1.50; 1 kept the goose; pretty nice crowd.

Sunday, Oct. 21, 1934

Mission Sun. We went to 6:30 mass at the Catherdal [sic] at Belleville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had lunch here then went home. The Ladies of Hecker parish had meeting this afternoon & going to give a turkey supper on Thanksgiving Day. We went out on a trip this afternoon, to Waterloo, down the American Botton, along the river, stopped at Fort Chartres & home through Red Bud. Went out to Henry’s, stoped [sic] in, Walter & Miss Kluber & Adelle were there. We went to Uncle Adam’s & Emil, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to. Ed & Carrie Brand are here from Alabama, came Fri. afternoon on a surprize to all. Ed is awful stout, just 5 yr. ago sine [sic – since] there were here together. Alice & Lucille are by Kemp’s now, they will leave Thurs.

Sunday, July 8, 1934

Went to church, Catheral [sic] Belleville at 5:30 mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner with us, spring chicken. Loyd Pabst was here, said they were going to thresh tomorrow. There was a boy 14 yrs. old from Iowa, visiting Ed Rehling’s, was killed instantly, when riding on a byicicle [sic] coming out Rehlings road, onto the hard road, Shloemer Ford Motor man of Waterloo, was coming down the road, & hit him, & upset his car & was hurt somewhat. The Rehling’s were visiting relatives at Waterloo at the time it happened; the first accident on the new hard road. Turner Pinic [sic] in Smithon [sic] today. Mr. Herman Wolf of Red Bud is having a free dance at Oak Grove tonite, Moonlighters playing. We went, & what a crowd, had nice time. Eggs are 9¢, wheat 80¢.

Thursday, Nov. 2, 1933

All Souls Day, went to 6 o clock mass at Red Bud, then went to Belleville, 9 o clock mass at Catherdal [sic], went to the stores, then came home. Henry & Floyd brought load corn. It rained this afternoon, a good shower. Our cistern was dry. It got cold.