Cloudy with showers. Went to mass. Children made there first Holy Communion; all dressed in white. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in after mass awhile. Hubert McDermoot & Miss Schmidt were published for 2nd. time today. Mr. & Mrs. Lerow Haudrich are having there wedding dance at Totsch’s tonite, Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary got invitation card. The Happy Ramblers Orc. are playing & giving a dance at Kammlers tonite. Bill [Klein] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Dr. Eckerts, he wanted to pay him.
Sunday, April 16, 1939
Filed Under: 1939, April, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: Aunt Mary, bills_paid, Bill_Klein, Birkner, Brand, Catholic, Catholic_mass, Dr_Eckart, Eckart, Eckert, engagement, First_Communion, Handrich, Happy_Ramblers, Happy_Ramblers_Orchestra, Haudrich, Holy_Communion, Kammler, Kammler_Hall, Klein, marriage, mass, McDermoot, McDermott, Schmidt, Totsch, Uncle Fred, wedding, wedding_banns, wedding_banns_published, wedding_dance, wedding_invitation
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