Friday, Sept. 15, 1939

Hot again. Went to Henrys, took a load of wheat to Waterloo – 18 bus. got 67 [cents]. Top price is 82 [cents] today. Wheat is getting hot again, took load of ours from here off got 73 [cents] & took another load from out there 67 [cents]. Henry & family, Leo & family & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were all here this eve – eating watermelon had 40 lb. melon; & it was sure good.

Wednesday, July 5, 1939

Went to Leo’s, canned apples, prepared for threshing, so hot today. We took Marita along home; they came this eve. going to thresh tomorrow, have them for dinner. Bill [Klein] came Henry brought wheat money, so far $65.45 for 134 bus. only got for some 48 * 53-45-50-52[cents]. to Waterloo & E. St. Louis; he got about 580 bus. wheat don’t weigh out; & no price. Lewis Kumke was buried at Evansville this morning.