Finished ironing, patched. We listened to the King George’s funeral service at London England from KMOK, started at 7 & finished 8:30; but there it was 1:30 in the afternoon. Mr. Chas D. Boll died last night 10:50 age 87 yrs; rang the bell this morning; he wasn’t ill very long; that is not bad sick. Eggs 23¢ here. Warmer this morn. 5 below zero in St. Louis. Steve Rennecker got qt. milk. Jac Earle was here on business.
Tuesday, Aug. 20, 1935
We washed, ironed. Ruma has Catholic Church pinic [sic] today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all left about 5 o’clock went to the pinic [sic], nice crowd in evening, Prairie Du Rocher band. We stopped at Red Bud, bought fruit jars 2 doz; Aunt Mary sold Ja Earle book chances $1.00 for the Hecker Church pinic; on Aug. 28 Fr. Witte wouldn’t take none.
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