Saturday, Nov. 6, 1937

Nice day. Pap went to look at Tolins mare colt – not yet 2 yrs. old bought it $75.00. Paid Merz $74.75 for tin roof put on cow barn at Henry’s on Nov. 2. Pap got crushing done. Lee Gregson & guy over at Emils trying to sell him a Chev. coupe second hand, gave him a ride down the road a piece.

Thursday, May 17, 1934

Emil, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry came this morn, had lunch & dinner; from 7 to 6. Cleveland worked this afternoon, – 1-6. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary left right after dinner, went to Adam Eckerts, Emmies birthday, he went over to see Hy. Kerber, came back here again, had supper. Mr. Rob. Mertz & family stopped on there way to Red Bud, see how far we was with the barn, he is going to put the tin roof on. Rosa sewed my dress today. A gang kids was here selling chances for a quilt to be raffled out after the childrens program, on May 24, we took one – 5¢. Mr. Chas Mehman of Belleville is sick. Hy. Braun of Hecker, worked so hard in the garden, that he is now deaf.

Sunday, May 29, 1932

We went to Waterloo Church, papa wanted to see Rob. Merz. about tin roof, this afternoon him & his family came out for awhile. Mrs. Rennecker has lot of company today, she is 60 yrs. old. We went out to Uncle Fred’s this evening. She & Lonie where at the cemetery for service this afternoon, so many strange people where there. He made a nice sermon & everything looks nice. The priest that was to make the sermon had a nervous breakdown.