Still hot. 90. Stookey says at St. Louis; cloudy but so far hasn’t rain, radio says rain, & cooler today. Mrs. Randolph Parrot is being buried at Red Bud this morning at 9’o clock; Omer’s aunt. We went out to Henry’s had dinner, they were going to thresher, but it started raining at 9:30, & Levi Ganley didn’t get finished. Boy! It sure was a nice rain. We had a few chicks soaked, made fire & brought them by the stove, & they were soon alright again, 1 dead.
Sunday, June 28, 1936
Went to early mass. Mrs. Alice Parrot died this morn. will be buried Tues. morn. at Red Bud, nee Murphy. Floyd Pabst has a free birthday dance at Kammler’s tonite, musci [sic] by Webers, all free tonite, musci [sic] by Carle’s Orch., a free dance at Paderborn. We went to Donahue’s first then to Hecker, good crowd both places. We went to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s had dinner & supper there, they came up here this evening went to Pabsts dance. Awful hot.
Thursday, May 28, 1936
Cut lawn, washed car. Mentel of near Waterloo looked at our hay rake, will take it for $3.00; will get it later, they had been at Millsdat [sic] got strawberries 12 qts. $1.10. Went to Belleville to Dr. this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary also went along in. Walter Parrot of Red Bud has a wedding anniv. at Donahue’s tonite free, musci [sic] by Blossom City. We went; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary to; nice crowd & good time. Skaer of Smithon [sic] 50 yrs. old jumped in well & drowned.
Sunday, Feb. 9, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner & supper. Omer Schilling was here this afternoon; We went to Pautler’s to a free double birthday dance tonite, big crowd. Rythmn [sic] Kings playing; Also was a free dance at Donahue’s but wasn’t very much; Dreamland had to close up to. Mr. Ed Frisch & Parrot was here looked at our horse.
Saturday, April 7, 1934
Still cloudy & cooler. Mrs. George Parrot of Red Bud has sale today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came eve & we all went to Louis Birkner to wake, stayed till about 10 ‘ o clock; quite a few people went in & out. She sure does look natural. George Schilling will have 5 masses said for her, instead of buying flowers. Fritz Armstutz brought a nice boquet [sic]; so far the only one. A fruit tree agent was here. Werner Kammler accessor was here; this afternoon.
Monday, Feb. 5, 1934
We washed, nice day, papa went out in woods. Wrote Wm. Ganley a nice letter this morn. Pap & Rose went to the woods. A man around selling soap chips & face soap. Mr. Hill was here for news. Lucinda Eichenseer was around selling chances for quilt, have one already. Eggs are 15¢ today, top hogs $4.50. Mr. George Parrot, died Sun. buried Wed. morn, at Red Bud church & cemetery, Mrs. Joe Mauer’s father, he was 67.
Saturday, Dec. 23, 1933
Papa got crushing done. We went to Waterloo paid Wiehl for 165 bus. 55 lb. corn $41.65. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here. It is such a beautiful day, like spring. Cleveland sawed wood. Mres. Aruleia [sic – Aurelia] Allard of Prairie Du Rocher, nee Parrot, died last Sun, in Red Bud hospital, they have a store; leaves Mrs. Parrot & 3 child & sister.
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