Tuesday, Dec. 4, 1934

Went to Waterloo, sold sausage etc. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, measure wheat ground. Berti ironed. It is awful cold this morning, drained the Whip last night; put more glycerin in the Chev. today. Margaret Schaefer was surprised last Sat. night, being her birthday, was celebrated with a dance at Rod Gun House.

Saturday, Oct. 27, 1934

Henry & family came, he plowed, they had dinner & supper here, chicken with dressing. Leona & kids went home this afternoon, went to Waterloo, came back this evening; for supper Wagners family came & we had some hot pinochle games losers drop out. Papa & Robert got crushing done this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped then went to New Anthen’s. Tonite they went to Rod & Gun Club, Probst’s birthday celebration.

Saturday, Feb. 18, 1933

Papa got crushing done. We finished the quilt & took it out of the frame. Mrs. Joe Watchel & boy where here this afternoon, & invited us to go to Angela’s Eichenseer’s this evening, she is 18 yrs. old today. Rosalia & Bertille went, stopped in at Watchel & till she was ready then by Laut’s, Olivia & boys went too, & Clarence Wittenauer & Cecil Pour where the only ones at the party, we played 6 hand pinochle, hamburger sandwiches, & pickles, & cake, where served, we gave her a towel & Clarence brought here a Ivory compact, that is all she got then. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where at Rod & Gun Club House at a dance, public, Cortner’s invited him to help furnish musci [sic].

Saturday, Sept. 24, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed at Hecker all nite, they brought the soup here & we all had dinner, then they left for home. Mr. Ed. Meng was here awhile. Emil Merhmans have a little baby girl since last week, Mary Louis, they are going to call it, they have 2 girls. Louis Petri Jr. is giving a free birthday dance tonite at Charfin Bridge, there are dances all over, Irene Reheis band is having one at Daab’s Club House at Smithon [sic],  Weber Barn, musci [sic] by Ill. Roamer’s. Rod & Gun Club. Clarence Rausch had a birthday celebration last nite at Weber’s Barn. Papa got crushing done this morning, George Schilling went to Olkalohoma [sic – Oklahoma], & Roy Staunfbiel is on the sick list with a cold.

Sunday, Aug. 14, 1932

We went to Red Bud. We had chicken dinner by Uncle Fred’s today. Ronenbergs brought them one. Today is fish fry & dance at the Rod & Gun Club. Uncle Adam & Emil came up to see Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, then, Joe & Josie Gregson came but they wanted to come & see us, but being we where over there, they stayed there to, we all had supper. This evening we ate Watermellon [sic]. Seen in the paper that Ed Birke has a baby boy, they have 2 a girl & boy, & also Slyvester [sic – Sylvester] Doyle have a boy, first born. Elmer Kammler’s called there Donald Robert. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Laut sponsors.

Sunday, April 10, 1932

Went to Red Bud. This afternoon is confirmation at Waterloo. It is awful cloudy, the paper says probaly [sic] showers & colder. Tonite, the Rod & Gun Club all giving dances, & a free wedding dance, Ruby & Wolf. from Waterloo, we all & Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, all went to the wedding dance at Breezy Hill, an a big crowd there. We had dinner at Aunt Mary’s & played cards across the street. Martin Fahey was here to look at our colts, & also a man from Edgemont, & one from Columbia, but they said, they where to small, they wanted them for work.