Sunday, Sept. 21, 1930

We all went to early mass this morning.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Floraville to the church picnic.  Mr. Carr was here from Renault, he asked the way to Bill Geodelle, to buy a team of horses.  Tonight we all went to the picture show the name of it was Rin Tin Tin.  Admission .25 and .10¢.  At Recess Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary left for the dance down at Weber’s barn.  It was a surprise party for Mrs. Weber.  Today is Jake Reheis birthday.  After the show this evening they raffled out the cards from the picnic.  The lucky winners were, Hy. Schneider from Waterloo, John Braun 2 times, Louisa Braun, Peter Kaiser, Joe Kaiser, Oscar Schmidt from Valmeyer, Fred W. Birkner he got a pair of pillow cases.  Hecker played ball with St. Louis and won 20 to 4.

Thursday, Sept. 11, 1930

Rosalia & Bertille had house cleaning upstairs today.  Washed curtains.  There was a man here this morning wanted to know if we had any wells or cisterns to clean.  We sent him off.  Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here this morning.  He wanted to get some jack to raise the house a little.  Aunt Mary said there was just such an awful crowd down at Wiegands, they took up collection .25¢ a piece.  They took in $9.00 and some cents.  Bill Herzog, Lawrence Schultz and another fellow, furnished music.  Ted Eichenseer’s were cooking apple butter today.  Rosalia took 5 doz. eggs to the store & got .25¢ a doz.  I noticed in the paper in Hecker news that, Adam Eisenhaver and H.M. Hill were called into probate court at Belleville Sat. to testify as witnesses to the last will of Benhardt Buss.  George Gambach dug a new well on his premises.  There is about 5 or 6 ft. of water in it.  A St. Louis baseball team arrived here Sunday & showed Hecker boys how to play ball by defeating them with a score of 7 to 2.  Hurrah! for St. Louis.  Charles Boll is the oldest man in Hecker.  He celebrated his 82 birthday last Sunday.  Mr. & Mrs. Roy Kunz are the happy parents of a baby boy born to them last Tuesday, Sept. 9.  She was formerly before marriage, Miss Marie Rausch of Hecker, Ill.  They now live at Smithton.  Clifford Sthaleber [Stahlebher] was over a little while this evening.

Friday, Sept. 5, 1930

It is raining a little this morning.  Gregory McArthy is teaching the Hecker School and he boards by Eichenseers.  I seen in the paper that there are a lot of people ailing at present, they are, Mrs. Rausch ailing of a weak heart.  Mrs. Spalt has Typhoid fever, Bill Parkinson has rehuwates [?], Peter Dehn is no better yet.  George Gambach had his well closed up with cinders.  Harry Stiffler moved in Gambach’s property.  Clarence Pabst sold his milk route and truck to Clarence Wittenauer.  Edward Neff & Mr. & Mrs. John Reheis motored to St. Louis & visited Forest Park.  The Hecker baseball team played with Waterloo, the Catholics, Sunday there and were defeated with a score of 14 to 6 & Monday they played at New Athens & was defeated by a score of 14 to 4.  William Birkner is building a garage.  Henry Armstutz is on jury at Waterloo.  Papa, Rosalia, & Bertille went to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s this afternoon to help to cut corn.  We had lunch out there.  We brought some corn father along back.  Rosalia went and got the mail.  Tomorrow we intend to dig a well by the straw shed.  Bennet Mudd from Red Bud guessed in Waterloo Sunday that a sack of feed weighed 30.9 lbs.  He was closest to it, it weighed 30.8 lbs.  He got the 100 lb. sack of pig chow.  Mrs Threfall & John Henkel had to be on circuit court last Tuesday.  She sued John $300.00 for board.  On Sept. 1 Mon. Peter Dietz & Miss Marie Henke were married in Waterloo.  Mrs. Ralph Neff & Miss Anna Dietz were best.  Henry Eichleman marriage license was also in the paper he is 29 yrs. old & Dora Einwich is 18 yrs.  Virginia Emery of Hecker won the Normal School Scholarship.

Friday, August 1, 1930

I have seen the paper that Arthur Matlock from Waterloo have a little boy at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, it was born last Monday.  Nick Schaefer’s second youngest daughter, Maggie, was taken to the hospital last Sat. night and was operated on for appendix.  Henry Meng got his finger smashed between 2 large rocks, he now has his arm & fingers in a sling.  The St. Louis baseball team played here Sunday with Hecker the score was 8 to 15 in favor of Hecker.  It is reported that Clem Parker lost a valuable horse last Sat. from heat.  Bertille was up town and got the paper this morning.  Mrs. Gene Meckler from Waterloo, they took her to the Hospital at Red Bud.  We baked cookies, washed, ironed, cleaned upstairs today.  It is Albert Cleveland’s birthday today.  Yesterday it was their wedding anniversary 18 years married & tomorrow night they are going to have a dance.  Emma Braun brought Mrs. Rennecker home this evening.  Papa & Rosalia went down to Geo. Vonderheit’s this afternoon and got the spring buggy home, what Papa bought for .30¢.  Steve Rennecker and his wife were over this evening a little while.  Roman Meng came over and told us that our colt was out, something was chasing it, I guess a dog.  It ran through the wire fence, it has a cut on the breast & one on leg behind.  We put some lard & turpentine on it right away.  Mrs. Rennecker said that Mr. Dehn ain’t no better yet, no changes she said.  Dr. Eckert’s father is awful bad sick too.

Sunday, July 27, 1930

They were all up for church this morning.  This afternoon we went to Millstadt to hear the singers.  It was Saengerfest Picnic.  We met Frank Dudenhoeffer, his wife & George, Peter Reheis & Jas. Reheis, Oscar Birkners, Adam Eckerts.  From Millstadt we went to the Club House, there we had chicken supper.  They had a tarpaulin laid to dance on.  There were a lot of people there.  When we came home Henry just came out from our house.  But he came back again, he wanted to know where that club house was, but they went back home again.  Last Sunday the Millstadt ball team played with Hecker here.  The score was 19 to 2 in favor of Hecker.  Rex Rapp made a home run.  Today they are playing with a St. Louis team.  I seen in the paper that Henry S. Braun threshed 1800 bus. of wheat & 1500 bus. of oats.

Sunday, July 13, 1930

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & Leona & family were all here for dinner today.  This evening Rosalia & Bertille walked up to Eichenseer’s corner.  It is nice & cool today, yesterday it was 106 degrees.  Henry C. Voges was buried this morning.  Today is Fern Gulley’s birthday & also George Parker’s, he was 50 years old.  Fern was 20 years old.  Today the Smithton Pontiac’s & Hecker teams played but Hecker lost this time.  They also lost last Sunday, they played with Waterloo K.C.

Sunday, June 15, 1930

Leona came up for church by herself this morn.  Henry stayed at home and watched the kids, then he went to Waterloo to late mass & brought Jake Geodell’s family along out.  Leona had to cook dinner for them.  Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary were here for dinner today, they brought some peas & beans, dewberries along up.  It rained this afternoon & then they ran for home.  Mamie Eichenseer came down a little while this evening until it was time to go to church, then Rosalia, Bertille, Mamie went up to church.  It rained this evening again a little.  There were 2 St. Franciscans Sisters here, one was Rosa Kaiser.  Today the Hecker baseball team played with New Athens.  Hecker won 3 to 4.  The ball players went coming back from New Athens they slipped in the ditch by Jake Klein’s and tore the mailbox off.

Wednesday, June 4, 1930

Papa went up to work at the school this morning a little while.  Bertille went up and called him to help Henry make hay, so Papa and Rosalia went out there all day.  Bertille is baking bread.  Today is Marcella Ettling’s birthday, but the way I heard they are going to celebrate it Saturday night.  Last Friday on Decoration Day, the Hecker baseball players played with Waterloo, but Hecker lost for the first time this season.  Sunday they played with Red Bud and Hecker lost again.  That is the second time for Hecker.  Papa and Rosalia came home right after dinner & then Rosalia & Bertille drove out there , we took all of our quilts along & washed them in that new motor washing machine.  It sure did go nice.  In the evening Papa, Rosalia, & Bertille drove out to Aunt Mary’s and Uncle Fred & when we got there they was just getting ready for the birthday.  Today is Henry Birkner’s birthday.  He is 27 years old.  So we didn’t stay very long out at Uncle Fred’s.  Clifford Stahlheber was here a little while this evening.  He came to tell us that Mrs. Ettling told him that there is going to be a dance Sat. night at their place.  They are going to celebrate Marcella’s birthday & we should also tell Uncle Fred’s, so we did but they had an invitation for Ronnenbergs on Saturday night and Mrs. Ronnenberg told them to tell us, so we [have] an invitation for 2 places Sat. nite.  Henry & family went to Dan Geodells to nite to practice music for Sat. nite, they have to play at Chas. Sensel’s barn dance.

Sunday, May 18, 1930

Today is Walter Reheis’ birthday.  He is 22 years old.  Aunt Mary came up to church with Oscar Birkners.  After church, Rosalia, Papa, Bertille went out to Uncle Fred and Aunt Mary’s.  When we got there they just was ready to go fishing.  So we all went along.  Uncle Fred caught 2, Papa 1, and Bertille one.  Oscar Birkner’s wife and kids came down fishing a little while too.  Then about 4:30 we went back and ate supper.  Fish Fry .  Ha!  Ha!  All day fishing.  In the evening Rosalia and Bertille went to church.  Tonight there is a dance at Haudrich’s, a barn dance.  Nick Schaefer is going to have his Thursday night the way we hear.  The Hecker Baseball Club was playing with Floraville.  Hecker won the game.  Hecker won every game played with them so far.  This morning the children made their first Communion and also some made Solemn Communion.  Those that made their Solemn were girls: Ethel Parker, Eunice Schneider, Rita Braun, Elenora Krehrer & Bernice Neff.  Boys: Lee Gregson, Lawrence Wittenauer, Morris Braun, Willie Braun, Wilbur Wittenauer.

Monday, May 5, 1930

It is raining this morning.  Today is Dorothy Napier’s birthday.  She is going to be 12 years old.  Papa went to New Athens this morning and got some tilining.  This afternoon he went to Waterloo to get the Whippet repaired.  He got the chive greased last Saturday.  Joe Meuth was here this morning on business.  Yesterday the Hecker and Smithton ball players played together.  Hecker won.  Calvin Mcarthy got hurt.  Papa, Rosalia, Bertille went out to Aunt Mary’s this evening a little while.