Sunday, Feb. 23, 1936

Went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up early, went to go to see Mrs. Nic Loehr – nee Cortner, who died yestday, from blood poison, a scratch from a pin; funeral will be tomorrow morn. at Paderborn. Sure is a beautiful day, on top, & plenty mud. Mr. Chas Hill left yesterday to be gone all summer he say’s, going out digging for gold & hidden money, intends to be a millionaire, when he arrives home, hen’s flat now, be sould of said [? – unclear]. We got beef roast for dinner. Eichenseers brought it along from Smithon [sic]. Jim & Dick Novelety [sic] Boys, &  hot footer & saxphone [sic] player are playing at Oak Grove Park tonite, & Orvil Bocker of Floraville is having a birthday dance at Pautler’s & has Skeets & Frankie & Ozark Mountain radio stars playing, all the stars are out, around her tonite. We went, sure had a nice time, big crowd; & wonderful floor show.

Thursday, April 5, 1934

Papa & Rosalia went out in the woods took dinner along. It is raining a little this morning. April Showers. They only went as far as Henry’s & brought load posts along back, didn’t go to the woods at all. We got the chick yard all spade over & sewed in oats. Cut the lawn, papa disked the potato ground, but to wet to plant yet. Dan Goedell & family stoped here, thought Leona was up, they wanted to tell her that Mrs. Geodells Dan’s mother died & will be buried Fri. afternoon at 1:30, from the house; she should tell Tom Crowe to let his folks no [sic – know] in St. Louis. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were at the cemetery & then came here. We all went to the cemetery this evening, took 2 sacks ground along & filled up Louise grave, sunk in a little. Rosalia took eggs up got 14¢, she heard Mrs. Louis Birkner 66 yrs. had died this evening. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary left right away & went up there. Papa was talking to Louis this afternoon, & he said she was getting better, only her eyes & face was all swoll up today, from the medicine, what Pautler gave, he said thats what he wanted, they thought everything was allright; & now she is dead already. Pautler said she had poision [sic] in her & that had to come out. She died on Emma, Oscar’s girls 5 yr. old birthday today. 19 grandchildren.

Thursday, July 14, 1932

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & her & Rosalia took the car & went out to Henry’s help prepare for threshers, they had dinner there. Hy. Armstutz was here this morning & evening. The threshers came here about 2 oclock, gave them lunch. Henry threshed 59½ bus. wheat, we got 19 bus. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went threshing at Henry Birkner’s they had them for supper. Eggs are 10¢ wheat 45 at Freeburg. Mr. Joe Eichenseer, Anton’s brother was buried this morning at Ruma, he had blood poison had a scratch on his arm. Frank Degenhardt died this afternoon at 4:30 he had T.B.

Thursday, Feb. 11, 1932

It rained last night. We heard this morning that Ed. Neff’s wife died last night, from blood poison & the flu. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & we all went there this evening, they brought her home from Waterloo about 5:30 we stayed till 1 o’clock had supper there. The baby they got christened Wed. morning, Edward Joseph, we heard Ed Parker & wife where the sponsors, it is just about 11 days old. Papa went up in the woods this afternoon, we went along out to Henry’s that long.